13 Great Dating Profile Bios You Can Use On Any App
The online dating world is a competitive market these days. A recent 2021 study found there are around 30.4 million online dating users in the US alone, so finding the ‘one’ has become that much more of a challenge.
One of the most important things you can do is make sure your profile is eye-catching enough to capture the attention of those swiping. To do this you not only need a fantastic profile picture but a wonderfully compelling bio. When it comes to writing your bio, there are several different ways you can achieve this.
The best way to go about creating an interesting bio is by making sure you are using your bio to highlight who you are and what you are about. Talking with Men’s Health, certified tantric sex, love, and relationship coach Sarrah Rose explained, “If you’re narrow-minded about what type of [person] you’ll date, you may miss out on someone really magical that is just outside of the box you created.”
Don’t worry about listing the qualities you don’t want in a woman, instead, focus on your interests. Talk about what you do for a living, what your hobbies are—whatever “makes you interesting and stand out from the rest,” Rose says. This way people who come across your bio can understand more about you and will be more likely to swipe right if they think you are into the same things.
But don’t be afraid to also add what you are looking for. Instead of being negative and saying ‘no flings,’ write that you are looking for a long-term relationship. A study conducted by Tinder found that 80% of users are on the app to find their life partner, so putting that on your bio isn’t a bad thing.
You can also go in the total opposite direction and just have fun with your bio and write something funny or suggestive. These types of bios are probably not going to help you find the love of your life, but they will give potential matches a chuckle. And you never know, maybe that one-liner you use from your favorite movie or suggestive joke will actually work? Stranger things have happened.
Now there are many different ways you can go about crafting your bio and to help you out we have come up with some dating bio-inspiration below. Just remember to have fun with.
1. Three Things
If you aren’t big with words, then this could be the dating profile bio for you. The three things bio is exactly what you think it is; three sentences that give swipers a small glimpse at who you are. You can be completely serious with this one or add in some funnies to show your humor. Whatever you decide, this is a quick and simple dating profile bio anyone can use.
- Amateur Lego builder. Terrible cook. Aspiring snowboarder.
- Family orientated. Red Sox fan. Dog owner.
- Surfer. Book lover. Craft beer enthusiast.
- Great cook. Filmgoer. Runner.
2. Two Truths and a Lie
This is a classic bio you have probably come across a lot while swiping. What makes it so great is that along with revealing a little bit about you, it is also a conversation starter. Considering the whole point of these apps is to match with people and talk with them, you are onto a good thing using this type of bio.
You can either write two believable truths and an outrageous lie to make things easy or give three examples that are all believable or hard to comprehend. There are so many choices.
- I am a triathlete. I once won a regional hot dog eating competition. Chrissy Teigen used my banana bread recipe on her secret food blog.
- I am a professional swimmer. I asked Conan O’Brien out to prom. I don’t have a tv.
- I have been arrested in Amsterdam. I played guitar on stage with Foo Fighters. I woke up in a stranger’s house after a big night out.
3. Pros and Cons
This is another great idea that gives potential matches a good overview of your personality and the things you are into. Everyone loves a good list and writing out your pros and cons is a shot and sharp way to illustrate the person you are. It allows you to list a variety of different personality traits or things you love in life so people can make a solid judgment on your profile.
- Pros
– Excellent trivia partner.
– Will split the check.
– Owns a car. - Cons:
– Likes to wear Crocs.
– Not a fan of dogs.
– Hates pizza.
- Pros
– Gainfully employed.
– Life of the party.
– Can dance.
– Never been addicted to crack. - Cons:
– Doesn’t look like Ryan Gosling.
– Known to leave clothes on the floor.
– Can cook so get ready to put some weight on.
– Loves to sing in the shower.
- Pros
– Loves dogs.
– Enjoys long walks on the beach.
– Enjoys the outdoors. - Cons:
– Watches reality TV.
– Social smoker.
– No fashion sense.
- Pros
– Can make a mean nachos.
– Has a large selection of candles.
– Loves 90s music. - Cons
– Have a criminal record.
– Not a fan of the beach.
– No sense of direction.
4. I’ve always known…/I’m still surprised…
Here is another interesting bio choice that provides information about yourself in a different way than just writing a 500-word profile of all the things you love. This is a great way to share some of your values without listing all the things you don’t like or creating a negative profile. You can also reveal important details about yourself in a manner that isn’t too shocking, such as the fact you have a kid or have been married.
- I’ve always known the secret to happiness is gratitude. I’m still surprised and humbled by how much I have in my life to be grateful for!
- I’ve always known I wanted to be a dad. I’m still surprised by how incredible being a father is and how much I love my son.
- I’ve always known I was going to be a writer. I’m still surprised to see my words in print.
5. In the zombie apocalypse, I’d be the one…
This is another funny dating profile bio that you can use to highlight some of your interests while having a laugh. We would all act very differently if the zombie apocalypse actually happened, so this is your chance to let people know how you would react, be it with a serious tone or played for laughs.
- I’d gather up all the supplies I can carry, visit the marina, steal a luxury yacht, and spend the next six months living out at sea. Then when things have died down I would return to shore and help rebuild civilization.
- Head to my nearest Costco or Walmart and barricade myself inside. Either would have all the supplies I need to survive for months
- Take car. Go to Mum’s. Kill Phil. Grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.
6. Suggestive
It is always good to state your intentions, so if you are only looking for a bit of fun, let everyone viewing your profile know the deal. Instead of just writing you are looking for a friend with benefits, create a bio that says this in a cheeky or flirtatious way. There are plenty of good lines you can use to let everyone know you are single and ready to mingle.
- Not picky about how tall you are, because everyone is the same height in bed.
- I’m on Tinder to make friends the same way I’m on Pornhub to watch the plumber fix the sink.
- 69% gentleman, 31%… you’ll have to find out.
7. Favorite Things
This is a bio template many people follow because it is an easy way to let others know about you. It is basically a short paragraph listing all your favorite things. It is a positive dating profile bio that focuses on the things you enjoy in life. You can give really descriptive answers or simple one-word retorts.
- Sushi, not working out, Dave Chapelle, pepperoni pizza, scary movies, Childish Gambino, and swimming.
- Traveling, smoking weed, nature, podcasts, cryptocurrency, and baking.
- Chocolate chip ice cream, swimming in the ocean, picnics in the park, walking in the rain, and playing COD.
8. Would You Rather
A fantastic party game, would you rather is also another idea you can use when creating a dating bio. While not everyone’s cup of tea, it is a fun way to start or end a bio and demonstrates you have a sense of humor, something many women are attracted to. These questions can also be relatively normal or plunge the depths of depravity. It is up to you. If you are looking for some would you rather inspiration, check out this article we recently published with 101 of the best would you rather questions.
- Would you rather get matching tattoos or piercings?
- Would you rather be with someone who has had lots of partners or no partners before you?
- Would you rather never be able to taste or smell again or never have sex again?
9. Describe Yourself Only Using Emojis
Ok, we admit this one doesn’t really provide a heap of information for your selective match, but it is a common bio trick particularly used by the younger generation. It is a fun way to show your interests and let others know a bit about yourself. It also shows you know your way around an emoji.
- Me:
First date:
, or
10. Most Likely To…/Least Likely To…
Similar to the classic job interview questions about listing your strengths and weakness, this bio option allows you to discuss the things you are most likely to do and those least likely to do. It’s another bio that can be both revealing and funny, depending on how you frame it.
- Most likely to book an overseas trip while drunk. Least likely to jump out of a plane.
- Most likely to try street food. Least likely to work a 9-5 job.
- Most likely to be loved by your mum. Least likely to be loved by your dad.
11. Cute Bio
If you are playing to a woman’s sensitive side, why not try a write a bio that is a little more on the cute side than the raunchy. While most won’t give too much away about yourself, they are sure to have the ladies going “aww shucks.”
- Looking for the pepperoni to my pizza, the peanut butter to my jelly, the cheese to my crackers. Oh dang… now I’m hungry.
- If you are into bad boys then swipe right because I’m a good boy.
- I may not be the best cook, but I know how to whip up a great order with Uber Eats. Satisfaction guaranteed.
12. This Over That
Another straightforward bio that provides plenty of information about your likes and dislikes. While not overly detailed, it does give a brief overview of your favorite things and is easy to write.
- Tacos>Burritos
Friday nights out>Saturday nights out
National league>American league
Radiohead>Oasis - Summer>Winter
The Beatles>The Rolling Stones
Action films>Romantic films
Swimming in the ocean>Swimming in a pool - Early morning>Early night
College basketball>NBA
13. Life Story
While shorter is generally better, if you are going to tell your life story in 500 words, make sure you address all the major points. Talk about your employment, where you live, what you like doing, and what you are looking for. People don’t want to read your actual life story, just a nice blurb that gives them a good overview of who you are as a person.
- By day I am a financial advisor, at night I am a deer drinking music fan who loves attending live music events. Up for all and any adventures and wants someone to complement my life, not complicate it. Hit me up if you feel the same.
- Fun loving barista who enjoys bike riding, hiking, and eating pepperoni pizza. I have two dogs who I will love more than you and a collection of band t-shirts that will surprise you.
- Boston born but living in LA. Big fan of tacos, 90s action films, and sustainable living. Not so big on drugs or alcohol. Enjoy a boogie and your mum will love me.
See more about - 101 Best Tinder Pick Up Lines
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