15 Beautiful Spring Hanging Ornament Ideas
Taking down holiday decorations can leave you feeling as if your house is plain and unadorned. Your living room or front porch may still need a little extra decoration. Try some of these beautiful spring hanging ornament ideas for your home. For beautiful spring decorating ideas, think outside the box. Hanging decorations can be incorporated into any room, including the mantel, window, and even the wall. There are some spring hanging ornaments you can make. For the common idea, you can make a hanging wreath. This can be in the form of a flower wreath or a bunny garland. Add plastic Easter bunnies and eggs to give them a spring-like flair. You can arrange them on the string then hang them on your window. A hanging songbird can be your option for spring hanging ornament. Furthermore, you can go for wall decorations. Take some colorful decorations, such as pom poms, hanging flowers, or colorful garland. You can also opt for hanging terrarium for your spring hanging ornament ideas. Here are references for you.
Easter magic happens when you mix pastel eggs with your favorite ingredients. This unique design will create an Easter egg patio by mixing and matching textures. Making your own using patterned paper will also produce a beautiful terrace design and will brighten spring on the terrace of this house. Include some pastel egg accents hanging from a tree branch in a galvanized pot and you’ll have a festive scene that might entice the Easter Bunny to stop by your home. Large Hanging Egg from homebnc.
If you enjoy experimenting with light in your décor, a suncatcher is an accessory that promises endless fun. This suncatcher offers an exciting opportunity to create some unique lighting effects. Make your own using wrapped wire and a few variations and will help you tie it to your decor. Placing it on the window of this house will result in a beautiful room design and will steal the attention of every guest who comes. Wire-Wrapped Branch Suncatcher from homebnc.
What better way to add more of a sense of spring to a space than invitingly with more hanging plants these will create a lovely home look. You can use this globe terrarium to house several succulents of various colors. You can hang a string and a wooden stick to liven up the springs in your home. It’s a simple way to add hanging ornaments to your home decor this spring. With its cool, smooth and transparent texture, glass is an excellent texture to incorporate into any decorating style. Glass Globe Terrariums from homebnc.
If you have something for pom poms and tassels and can’t choose between the two, you’re in luck. Here you can use both to create beautiful wall designs that will steal the show. You can have a DIY wall hanging that’s perfect for you that includes pom poms and tassels in fun combinations. Tie on a piece of string and this wood will give it a charming look. Selection of various colors and sizes will enliven spring in your home. Pom Pom Tassel Wall Hanging from artsycraftsymom.
Turning pom poms into beautiful hanging decorations will brighten up springtime in your home. It’s very easy for you to make and will save you a budget when you want to make one. Tie the two together on a branch for a trendy and youthful wall hanging. Adding flowers from these large paper flowers will create a unique look and create a charming look. Pom Pom Branch Wall Hanging from artsycraftsymom.
This particular spring decoration will look refreshing, colorful and floral. Choosing hanging ornaments is a beautiful room decoration idea that will steal the attention of every guest who comes. Making a chandelier from hanging flowers will create a beautiful display and will brighten up spring in your home. This design will make your home look like spring and look fresher. The use of fresh flowers or petals for decoration tied to this round frame will create an interesting look. Hanging Flower Chandelier from bhg.
Easter and spring are full of the vibrant colors that nature offers us in this beautiful season to make a beautiful impression and steal the show. Making large colorful pompoms that are placed on the dining table will be an interesting decorating idea. This simple design will make Easter and Spring easy, inexpensive, and looks really good. Combined with some blooming flowers on the table in this dining room, it will give a fresh and cool impression. Large Colorful Pompom from deavita.
You can make your spring bouquets appear to magically float on your walls. You can use this technique with garlands hanging vertically for this dazzling effect. This design is easy for you to make, just use flower pieces glued on a thread, it will give a beautiful look. You can place it at the head of your mattress to become the perfect focal point of the room. Floating Flower Garland from homebnc.
Using beautifully eclectic patterned paper, this songbird wreath makes a beautiful statement. By stringing the birds vertically, hang each bird independently as shown here. Hang this wreath on the window, and you can see the birds fluttering in the spring breeze. It’s easy for you to try because it doesn’t require much effort and will increase your creativity. Using this alone with cardboard, scissors, and some patterned paper will make for a beautiful room design. Hanging Songbirds from homebnc.
A large, pastel-colored speckled egg would be the perfect focal point for this Easter wreath. Adding this pastel color band will fill the space between the eggs. This design will grab the attention of many people and will make a difference in the whole room. Adding the words “SEASON” to each of these eggs would also be a lovely sign this spring. At the bottom of this wreath you can add some bright color tulips and these little signs will make a lovely room design. Ribbon & Easter Egg from homebnc.
This spring craft hanging on the kitchen window presents a unique room decoration and steals the attention of many people. Mason jars equipped with blooming flowers hanging on wooden sticks will look fun and offer the perfect room decoration. The addition of this type of hanging ornament will give a fresh impression and enliven spring in this house. It’s so easy to make that it saves your budget while creating a different look. Wire Hanging Mason Jar from woohome.
There’s nothing sweeter than this. Make a cute door hanger using two embroidered hoops, pastel and ribbon, and polish it with this pretty faux pearl embellishment. Making this beautiful and attractive bunny wreath will present a beautiful door design and welcome your guests with joy. Adding ribbons and pompoms to this wreath will also give it a charming look. Simply hang it in front of the door to welcome guests with a festive feeling. Pink Bunny Wreath from hgtv.
This DIY hanging decoration idea using egg shells will attract attention and captivate every guest who comes. This is a simple way for you to try because it is easy to make and will showcase a beautiful home design. Make your own by adding blooming flowers placed in this eggshell to give it a beautiful and eye-catching look. Using a ribbon to hang eggs is the perfect choice and will make a beautiful window design. DIY Hanging Egg from stylemotivation.
Decorating an easter-themed house using a swallow’s nest equipped with some green plants will make the display look beautiful and steal attention. This bird’s nest would be the perfect alternative to a wreath, and it’s super easy to make. They can be hung on a string or glued to several branches to make an impressive addition to your décor. Several different types of blooming flowers will give the impression of a fresh and cool room. Hanging Bird’s Nets from familyholiday.
Decorating the windowsill for the Easter season with blooming beauties as a window sill decoration for Easter will be a place of extraordinary natural beauty. This Easter flower arrangement will celebrate spring in your home. Making your own from this patterned paper will also result in a beautiful design and on a budget. This hanging ornament decoration will bring a fresh impression of spring in your home. Paper Flower Ornament from Familyholiday