17 Things I Want To Do In 2023 – Week 12 of 52

A solo adventure to Fair Isle. I don’t think I could have picked a more unique and cozy spot to spend a few weeks. I’m already dreaming of going back.
Things I miss: The quietness of the island. The cottage. Sheep everywhere. One stop shopping. The views.
Things I don’t miss: Low ceilings.
Take An Adult Education Class Done
The Girl and I took a 3 day British Baking Classics course at King Arthur Flour in Norwich, Vermont and had a good time.
Re-creating the sticky toffee pudding recipe is on my to-do list for this week.
Revisit An Old Friend.
This goal is a bit of a play on words, but I’m working on it!
Send 52 Cards To 52 Different People. {12 of 52 mailed so far}
I mailed off card #12 yesterday {along with a little gift}. I don’t normally send cards so thinking of a reason to send a card is actually a little harder than I thought it would be.
Make 12 Totally British Recipes In The AGA.
While I didn’t make any authentic British recipes in the AGA this past week, we FINALLY both agreed on something to hang on the kitchen wall. {All its components should arrive in the next few days.}
If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time then you already know that we aren’t ones to hang things on the walls so this is a really big deal!
Also, the fact that my husband came up with the idea made it all the better.
Set Aside 200 Items For A Yard Sale {I’ve set aside 9 of 200 items so far}
I only set aside 1 item this past week; an Irish cookbook I paid a quarter for a year or two ago from the library and with good reason, all three of the recipes I’ve tried in it so far and been just okay… nothing special.
Earn $1,493.04 {Last Year’s Grocery Expenses} Selling Totally Random Things Online
Sold so far:
- 1 Box of “Native Organically Harvested Maine Driftwood” for $89.95
- 1 Box of 12 Heart Shaped Rocks for 24.95
- 1 box of 6 Heart Shaped Rocks for $22.95
- 1 box of 2 Folgers Coffee Cans for $29.95
- Set of 3 Brim Coffee Cans for $39.95
*Money earned selling random stuff so far $207.75
* At the end of the year I will deduct all the shipping/supply/selling fees from the grand total.
Go On a Staycation/Craftcation With The Girl
Still no idea where yet.
Turn The Craft Room Into a Proper Studio Space
I am still working my way through dyeing the hundreds upon hundreds of yards of wool I currently have on the shelves in the craft room so that I can concentrate on working in the garden this summer rather than be inside dyeing wool.
My plan is to have a good inventory of hand dyed wool, patterns and kits on hand by April 30th so that when orders come in all I have to do is pack them up and ship them out.
If all goes well and I meet my April 30th deadline… We’ll pull everything out of the craft room {racks, furniture, etc.} and start pulling up the carpet and get the space painted before having the new flooring installed.
It seems like a lot of my goals this year are on a very distinct timeline… Which is sort of a pain but I know everything will come together in the end.
Changes I plan on making to the space:
- Rip out the old gross carpet and replace it with pine floors
- Fresh paint
- A proper light fixture
- New serger
- New work table
- A sitting area with a spot to hook
Hook 100 Rugs {38 of 100 done so far}
I just finished another good sized rug for my next Etsy shop update in early May. I’m hoping to have hooked at least 50 rugs by the end of April and so far I’m on a good pace.
Create 15 New Rug Hooking Patterns 10 of 15 completed so far}
New patterns I’ve added to my Etsy shop in 2023:
- Fair Isle Sheep
- Olde Hares
- Antique Hearts and Flowers
- Fat Cat with Easter Eggs
- Fat Cat with Shamrocks
- Fat Cat with Hearts
- Horse and Hearts
- Valentine Kitties
- Little Chicken
- Hit and Miss Flower Basket
Grow 1,000 Pounds of Vegetables In The Commune Sized Garden
The seedlings are underway! We’ve still got snow on the ground here in Mid-Coast Maine but it’s melting… So gardening season is just around the corner.
Empty The Canning Cupboard / Fill The Canning Cupboard
Making progress!
Make $500 Selling Plants, Flowers or Vegetables
It’s still too cold to grow anything yet but here’s a photo I snapped of Tom protecting his lady friends I took the other day.
Seriously, who needs tv when you have windows and live on the coast of Maine?
Buy 12 Handmade Items {From 12 Different Artists} 2 down, 10 to go
So far this year I have bought from Rachel of Barkland Croft and had my friend Zoë turn all my fabric squares into 2 quilts for me. I love supporting crafty people who love what they do!
Update Every Single Recipe On The Blog To A Printable Format
This past week I updated The Copy Cat Kentucky Fried Chicken Coleslaw recipe post with new pictures.
26 Official Date Days With My Handsome Husband {4 down, 22 to go}
Yesterday for date day we drove two hours inland to New Vineyard, Maine to visit Schanz Family Maple and have a look around at their sugar house set up.
I’ll tell you more about it soon as I took lots of photos and even brought some maple syrup back for a giveaway.
- Date #1 Thomaston Cafe for lunch. It was lovely.
- Date #2 Rising Tide Co-Op
- Date #3 Oysterhead Pizza
- Date #4 Oysterhead Pizza
- Date #5 Schanz Family Maple
How about YOU? How are you coming along with your goals for this year?
Have a great day everyone,
The post 17 Things I Want To Do In 2023 – Week 12 of 52 appeared first on One Hundred Dollars a Month.