25 Fresh Citrus Summer Decor ideas
When summer is approaching, you can use the colors and scents of the season to decorate your home. One of them, you can use a citrus vibe for your summer decorations. Citrus is a popular color for summer decorating, and you can incorporate the color into your design in many ways. Whether using real citrus or adopting the colors and patterns, citrus summer decorations will bring a fresh look to your home. In this case, you can use citrus for your summer table setting ideas. Citrus-themed plates and bowls will add visual interest and texture to any table. Use white dishes and coral-colored tablecloths to complement your table’s design. A colorful centerpiece adorned with a citrus-themed candle will be an unexpected yet welcome touch. Moreover, if you are looking for a quick way to make your home look more inviting, consider decorating it with a variety of citrus-inspired accessories. Seat cushions, pillows and rugs can add color and interest to your home. For another idea, you can make a wreath, hanging ornament, sign or to decorate your flower vases. Here are some references for you.
Table Setting
Decorate the dining table by adding oranges to design a room that will give it an attractive appearance. This is a brilliant idea that you can try because it will make a beautiful table decoration. Simply placing a few oranges in the center of the table and adding a pillar candle makes for the perfect decoration. This cloth tablecloth will also provide an attractive look to complement your summer dining table.
Citrus Vases
To celebrate summer in your home, you can add this cute flower arrangement now. all you need is oranges and flowers. Using citrus made in a vase and filled with fresh flower arrangements, this will create a beautiful home decoration and will enliven the summer in your home. A cute summer DIY that will bring beautiful sunshine all season long.
Citrus Party
Decorating a party table by adding oranges will make the room decor beautiful and will steal the show. Here you can put some oranges on a plate and combine them with flower arrangements in a vase to give a beautiful and adorable room decoration. These citus-printed plates will also make for a beautiful, summer-inspired table decor at this dining table.
Citrus Gnome
This summer gnome with orange print will make your summer home decor even more festive. This is the best way that you can try because it will create a different home design. These colorful orange prints look cute and adorable and will give a different look. The greenery in a ceramic vase and the addition of a lemon will make for an attractive table decoration and look cute.
Citrus Arrangement
An easy way to bring a summer theme into your home decor is to craft an eye-catching citrus array. For the fruit you use, you can combine citrus. This fruit will work well to beautify an empty shelf. You can design this floral and citrus arrangement to create a beautiful room decoration that will steal the eye. Try it easily and it certainly doesn’t cost a lot.
Citrus Wreath
One of the smart ideas you can do to welcome the summer this year is to decorate your home with citrus fruits. Decorating your home with this orange wreath doesn’t look too plain and boring. A string of oranges and lemons was used to make this beautiful wreath. Placed on a chair and combined with several other ornaments will make the room decoration beautiful and steal the attention.
Citrus Watercolor Paintings
Decorating your home with this DIY watercolor painting will create a beautiful home decor that will steal your attention. You can make your own, just paint on canvas with watercolors and add these old frames to create a beautiful home decor and a vibrant summer. A galvanized pot filled with lemon plants will add a touch of green to the whole house.
Citrus Pattern
Do you need a summer decoration in the sofa area? If so, then you can decorate this terrace with orange accents on the pillows. Choose and use citrus fruits to make the sofa more attractive. Applying on sofa cushions with orange and citrus fruit motifs in this color will maximize the decor of this room. This yellow blanket will also balance the look and give a warm and cozy feel when you are in this room.
Citrus Tree
Decorating the summer terrace of this house by using this lemon tree will make the decorations beautiful and look more fresh. Adding a lemon tree with this blue pot will welcome your guests with a festive feeling. Place this lemon tree on either side of the entrance, it will look beautiful and steal attention. This white color scheme and electric blue door will create a matching design and give it an eye-catching look.
Summer Citrus Coasters
Giving a touch of citrus fruit to this home decor will offer a beautiful home design and will steal the eye. Here you can make this decoration yourself by knitting colorful yarn with citrus fruit shapes to produce a beautiful coaster. Making these decorations will be easy for you to try so that they will produce summer decorations on a low budget and will increase your creativity.
Embroidery Citrus Pattern
This summer style home decor with a touch of citrus fruit will beautify your home decor. Applying sofa cushions with this citrus embroidery pattern will create a unique look while decorating a different room. You can add this pillow to the living room sofa to give the impression of a warm and comfortable room.
Table Runner
This tablecloth made of citrus fruits, lemons and green leaves will offer the perfect table decoration. It will make a beautiful dining table decoration while offering a table decoration with a festive summer vibe. Place this orange in the center of the table and it is complemented by ceramic tableware and orange accents on the plate to maximize your home decor.
Citrus Color Scheme
Menggunakan skema warna citrus pada dekorasi backyard summer ini akan memebrikan kesegaran ekstra ke seluruh taman. Dengan warna oranye dan kuning tua pada bantal lantai dan sofa ini akan memberikan kesan backyard yang nyaman dan indah untuk anda coba. Selain memberikan kesan nyaman aksen warna citrus ini juga akan memeriahkan summer di rumah anda sehingga akan memebrikan dekroasi yang meanrik dan membuat anda betah berlama lama di backyard summer ini.
Citrus Shaped Pillow
The citrus accents on this pillow offer a cool and fresh feel to your entire summer backyard. Using this orange accent will give a beautiful look while making your summer decor more festive. Placing it on this lounge chair is an interesting room decor and will add extra comfort to the entire backyard. Add a large umbrella placed next to the lounge chair to avoid direct sunlight.
Tiered Tray Decor
You can decorate the summer sign with a touch of citrus fruit according to the theme of your home. When you want to present an accent this summer, choose and use the right combination of ornaments. You can choose citrus fruits, wooden beads and citrus fruit marks to give it a beautiful look. The combination of white and orange will look contrast so that the surrounding area is more colorful and not boring.
Hanging Ornament
Using orange slices as a window decoration in this house will give a beautiful appearance while giving a different room design. You can make your own by thinly tying citrus fruits and hanging them in front of the window. This will create a beautiful room decor that will steal the eye. This DIY is easy for you to make and will give you a different look every year. You can also add this orange painting to display an interesting decoration.
Citrus Rug
Giving a different look every summer this will create a beautiful room decor. By adding a carpet accent with a citrus pattern in red and orange, this is a room decoration idea that you can try on the balcony of this house. Combined with dark wood accents on the floor and furniture, this will highlight the color on this Citus-patterned rug so that it will produce an attractive room design.
Citrus Wind Chime
Don’t let your patio area look plain and boring. Decorations that you can do are to make wind chimes from citrus fruits. Dried orange slices tied with twine and added tree branches will have a perfect design and stylish home decor. Hanging these wind chimes on the patio ceiling will also welcome your guests with a festive summer vibe.
Table Setting Ideas
Placing oranges and pineapples on this dining table decoration will make for a festive design and will give it a different look every year. Applying it to a tablecloth and adding this green leaf will give a fresh and tropical look to the entire dining table. Complete this dining table decor with burlap cutlery and placemats to balance the look of this dining table.
Hanging Sliced Citrus
Citrus fruits are one of the best decorations in summer. Think oranges turned into this home decor will be a beautiful room decor and will steal the show. This will be a cheap and easy decoration to make, the materials you need are also around your home without having to buy them. Adding wire to these orange slices will make it easier for you to hang them on the window for a lovely decoration.
Slice Citrus Sign
Summer decoration using orange slices will give a beautiful room design and welcome summer to the whole house. This is for you to make cheaply to give a stylish decroization. This orange color complete with sunsine writing will make your summer look more attractive and stylish. Setting it on this home table will create a beautiful display and will greet your guests with a summer glow throughout the room.
Citrus Dining Table
The dining table design with this Citrus theme will enliven the summer in the dining room. Showing citrus fruit in the vase and coasters of this Citrus pattern plate will display an attractive and lively Summer table decoration. Pair with a patterned tablecloth with a bright color to produce a beautiful room decroization and stole the eyes. This rattan chair with a soft cushion will give a comfortable and warm impression when you are in this Summer dining room.
Citrus Garland
Complete the dekeoation of your home summer with Garland this Citrus painting to produce a beautiful home decroasi. Using ingredients from burlap and adding this Citrus fruit painting will make a beautiful decroasi and will welcome your guests with a festive summer feeling. Assisting the garden fence and combined with this blue frame will make a different design and look more trendy.
Vase Decoration
Citrus slices attached to this flower vase will create a unique design and will steal the eyes of every guest who is data. This you can make your own gelan slicing Citrus and sticking it on the VAS to be a design that attracts the eye. Adding orchids at Sada Vas will make your Sumer decoration more mean and will create a stylish Ruci decoration.
Citrus Planter
Citrus planter will turn on summer in your home. By using painted wood, this colorful orange is able to provide a unique and different design. Adding this welcome writing is also more unique. Green plants in this vase will also provide a fresh design and a natural feel to your home decoration. Placing on this table will also make your home design more stylish.