4 Visual Crafts for Summer
Each month in my special education self-contained classroom I loved to come up with fresh, new, hands on crafts to meet student goals. These summer crafts are no different and might be some of my favorite crafts yet!
Using crafts in the special education classroom is SO rewarding but can also have many challenges. Making sure each craft is differentiated, meeting student goals, and prepped for student success (and less frustration) is absolutely vital to be successful. I used to spend many hours searching blogs and Pinterest for the perfect craft for each holiday, and then spend MORE hours adapting that craft, prepping an example, and creating visual directions so we could also work on student goals. I asked some other special education teachers and they were feeling the same exact way, and that is how Simple Crafts came to be.
The best part about Simple Visual Crafts is the real picture step by step directions and symbol visual support lists. These two things make this resource like no other and SO easy to prep for special education classrooms.
Each month I have curated the perfect 4 visual crafts, visual example photos, real photos for each step, and symbol material lists in order to make craft time more efficient for teachers and more independent for students.
Below you will find the visual crafts for June!
Paper Plate Pizza
Who doesn’t love pizza? The end of the year brings fun pizza parties! Students can create their own pizza out of a paper plate in this fun visual craft! This craft also pairs well with the read aloud: Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party (affiliate link)!
Paper Plate Sun
We love using paper plates in crafts! Why? Because they are inexpensive, easy to find, and you can make virtually anything out of one! This craft pairs well with the read aloud Hello Sun! or I am the Sun! (affiliate links)
Bubble Wrap Starfish
Using bubble wrap in a craft makes it art and a sensory experience all in one! If doing this craft near the 4th of July use the colors of the flag, or you can use summer colors! A read aloud to paid with this book is Starfish. (affiliate link)
Paper Plate Watermelon
Another paper plate craft that pairs excellent with taste testing watermelon and the read aloud Watermelon Seed. (affiliate link)
Simple Visual Crafts keep students engaged with hands-on learning while working on following directions, fine motor skills, and independence! Simple Crafts are a great way to allow your students more independence through visual directions. They also make for great bulletin boards, window hangings, gifts and more!
Grab Simple Visual Crafts for June/Summer here on TPT!
Grab Simple Visual Crafts for June/ Summer on the Shop here.
Want more craft ideas?
Check out the Visual Crafts for Spring here!

The post 4 Visual Crafts for Summer appeared first on Simply Special Ed.