Bread Thank You Gift Printable Tag
Give a loaf of bread as a thank you gift and pair it with this punny printable thank you note.

I have a mega list of punny thank you gift ideas that I posted on my site years ago. It’s an awesome resource for gift giving. I just love a good pun! It makes it easier and more fun to find something to give to someone, especially when you want to say thank you with something more than just a thank you note.
Recently I decided to make printables for a few of my favorite punny gifts from that list. First up is bread because it’s such an awesome gift that people absolutely love to receive.
Here are the gift tags:

The tag reads:
Thank you
for being there when KNEADED
for RISING to the occasion,
for never LOAFING on the job,
and for helping others to HEEL.
No matter how you SLICE IT,
you do a great job!
So many good bread puns all in one thank you tag! LOL. This one is a good one, folks.
If you want a really great recipe, this is the best ever homemade bread. And if you’re not the baking type or are in a time crunch, buy a yummy loaf of bread from the store, add the tag and you still have a really great thank you gift!
To make the tags:
- Click on the blue button below.
- Download the files. If you are on a school or work computer, it may not let you access the files. Try again at home on an unrestricted computer.
- Print the design onto white cardstock.
- Cut the tags apart. It is set to print four to a page to prevent wasting paper. If you’re only giving out one gift, save the other three tags for another day.
- Punch a hole in one corner and tie the tag to a loaf of bread with pretty ribbon.
This gift is cute and yummy and funny, which is a pretty great combination if you ask me. Enjoy!
Pin it so you can find it later!

The post Bread Thank You Gift Printable Tag appeared first on The Craft Patch.