Coming soon! 40th Anniversary Keeper Tips Book: Collected Wisdom for Call of Cthulhu
A gathering of wisdom, advice, and tips from Keepers for Keepers of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.
Imagine, if you will, that you are sat with a group of experienced Keepers, each sharing ideas drawn from their experience of playing and running Call of Cthulhu.
Commemorating the 40th anniversary of Call of Cthulhu, this handy pocketbook is aimed at anyone—whether veteran or novice—who plays this well-loved tabletop game, but is particularly aimed at those who run games and potentially craft their own scenarios.
What’s Inside?
Advice From The Veterans
Tips, essays, and contributions from experienced and diverse Call of Cthulhu Keepers, including:
- Scott David Aniolowski - Call of Cthulhu writer (Malleus Monstrorum, etc.)
- Sean Branney - H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
- Allan Carey - TYPE40, creator of the 'Seeds of Terror' range (Miskatonic Repository)
- Jason Durall - BRP and RuneQuest creative director
- Paul Fricker - co-author of Call of Cthulhu 7th edition, co-host Good Friends of Jackson Elias podcast
- Bob Geis - Keeper, You Too Can Cthulhu
- Lynne Hardy - Call of Cthulhu associate editor, The Children of Fear
- Bridgett Jeffries - Miskatonic Repository community ambassador, co-host Miskatonic University Podcast, cast member on The Calyx
- Jo Kriel - Call of Cthulhu writer (The Unspeakable Oath, etc.)
- David Larkins - author of Berlin the Wicked City, Pendragon line editor
- Mike Mason - Call of Cthulhu creative director
- Keris McDonald - Call of Cthulhu writer (Cthulhu by Gaslight, etc.)
- Mark Morrison - Call of Cthulhu writer (Horror on the Orient Express, Reign of Terror, etc.)
- Thom Raley - Keeper, Into the Darkness
- Matthew Sanderson - Call of Cthulhu writer (Grand Grimoire, Dead Light and Other Dark Turns, etc.)
- Becca Scott - Twitch streamer and Keeper on The Calyx
- Seth Skorkowsky - Fantasy/horror novelist and YouTube personality
All of the contributors have provided what they consider to be their most useful and insightful advice.Their collected wisdom is aimed to help you get the most out of Call of Cthulhu!
All Topics Covered
The advice in Keeper Tips is spread across a wide range of topics, including preparation, gameplay, inclusivity, designing scenarios, combat, monsters, horror, sanity, and much more!
Transferable Skills
While the advice in Keeper Tips is specifically geared towards Call of Cthulhu, much of the information is transferable to other games as well. The knowledge in this book is easily ported over to games such as RuneQuest and King Arthur Pendragon!
The stars are right on November 13th, 2021
Keeper Tips releases in PDF worldwide on November 13th, 2021—the day in 1981 (a Friday) copies of Call of Cthulhu first edition were delivered to the Chaosium offices. The 128 page leatherette physical book will hit the shelves in early 2022. Remember, as always, when you buy the PDF at, you’ll receive a coupon for the full price of the PDF off the hardcover when it releases!