DIY Emoji Inspired Wine Glass Rings

Wine glass rings are a great way to mark the glass stem so guests know which glass is theirs.

It’s so easy to make your own markers by purchasing plain silver glass rings from Spotlight.

I had been meaning to make my own markers to help differentiate glasses when friends came over for a chat and a drink. Inspired by Emojis, I raided the kids craft supplies and created these Emoji Inspired Wine Glass Rings using pipe cleaners.

Emoji inspired Wine Glass rings


Pipe cleaners in various colours

Googley Eyes

Craft Glue

Wine Glass Rings


materials to make Emoji Wine Glass Rings


Making your own emoji markers is as easy as drawing inspiration from the emojis on your phone and recreating the shapes and faces using the pipe cleaners.

Emoji inspire wine glass rings

I started with making a simple face with it’s tongue out.

Once you’ve created your face, glue all the pieces on.

Leave enough room on the pipe cleaner to twist it around the wine glass ring.

Poo Emoji Wine Glass Ring

Once you’ve made a few designs, they’re ready to attach to your wine glasses.

DIY Emoji Inspired Wine Glass Rings

No one will misplace their wine glass when you use these markers. And coming into cold and flu season and the pandemic of COVID19, it’s paramount to ensure guests aren’t accidentally sharing their glass.

DIY Emoji Inspired Wine Glass Rings

Other Drink Inspired Ideas

The post DIY Emoji Inspired Wine Glass Rings first appeared on Be A Fun Mum.