Free Project to make and a week in this life...
Once the stitchery was completed (the hole is made with buttonhole stitch) I opened out the linen and measured down 2" from the top of the bag as a guide for sewing some cotton ribbon casings, which would later be threaded with string to close the bag.
Isn't this old Tilda ribbon lovely? I discovered it hidden at the bottom of one of my lace and ribbon boxes where I had forgotten all about it!
Next I made a hanging loop from more of the ribbon and hid the ends under the centre of the ribbon at the back of the bag.
Then it was time to sew the bottom and the open side closed with a French seam. If you're making this for yourself...
French Seam: Press the piece of linen in half to create the bag shape, with the bird stitchery centred on the front half of the folded linen. Keeping the wrong sides together, sew down the side and across the bottom of the bag with a 1/4" seam.
Now turn the bag inside out, and sew another seam down the side and across the base. This now encloses the raw edge, and you have made a French seam.
Turn the bag right side out.
A few final steps followed.
I sewed a double 1/4" hem around the top edge of the bag...
...then threaded a 20" length of string through the ribbon casings so that both ends of the string come out on the right side of the bag.
Bag complete, I popped a ball of string inside the bag and pushed one end out through the hole in the bird. Pulling the casing strings through the ribbon and tying a knot to secure the bag closed, my new string bag was ready to hang in the kitchen!
I wonder where you'll hang your string bag?
I have mine hanging near the pantry door, where it looks pretty and is easily accessible should I need a length of string.
This Kitchen Craft project would be great to make for homemaking friends so why not sew a few and pop them in your gift box? Use the link below to download the free stitchery pattern.
DOWNLOAD the String Bag stitchery pattern.
For the rest of the year I'll bring you new ideas for Simple Kitchen Crafts, but if you have some ideas of your own please leave them in the comments. Next week I'll have a different version of the string bag to show you, and a second free stitchery for it.
A favourite recipe are these sour dough crackers which I find hard to stop eating once I begin! The only ingredients are -
185g of sour dough discard
30g melted butter
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Mix everything together well, then spread thinly on a parchment lined tray. Scatter a little more sea salt across the top.
Bake at 160c (325f) for ten minutes and then take the tray out of the oven to score the batter into squares with a knife. Place back in the oven and bake for another 20-30 minutes until golden brown.
Remove from the oven, cool, and then break apart along the score lines. Seriously delicious!!
I find myself baking two loves of bread a week as that is sufficient for the two of us. My Mockmill 100 grain mill is amazing, and the home milled flour has added a wonderful flavour and texture to all my baking.
Another recipe for using sour dough discard is this Banana Bread. Wow, this was really good, and if you'd like to try it pop over HERE to the King Arthur Flour site. I replaced half the ordinary white flour used in the recipe with my own freshly milled flour and the banana bread baked beautifully.
I was cleaning out the fridge yesterday and discovered a kilo of organic pears I'd purchased at Coles, reduced to $1 - how often do you come across bargains like that? I don't, so it was important to make use of the pears before they ripened too far.
My husband doesn't like pears, but I love them, so I decided to make a jar of pear jam. HERE is the recipe I used. I haven't tried it yet, but as soon as my next loaf of bread is cool it will get a trial run. Hopefully it will be yummy.
Much of what I've made in the past few days has been chosen as a way to use up what was already in the fridge.
The sour dough discard needs to be used every few days. The banana bread was made because I had five almost black bananas in the bowl. The raspberry muffins because I had almost two punnets of raspberries which needed to be eaten quickly. The pear jam because the pears were almost too ripe. And then there was this bread and butter baked pudding, which used up the last of our milk, eggs and bread - but also the last bit of apricot jam in the jar.
I must say that spreading the apricot jam over the buttered bread before pouring the custard mix across the top is something I shall be doing every time I make this recipe. Hubby and I both loved it.
Meals have been simple and delicious - chicken and roast vegetables / chicken and corn soup made with my own bone broth and the leftover chicken / nourish bowls with brown rice, fresh vegetables, black beans, brown rice and Korean sauces / and yummy dahl with brown rice were some of the dinners we enjoyed this past week.
I had my second ever trip in an ambulance on Wednesday, just a precautionary measure ordered by my doctor. I spent the afternoon and evening with simply wonderful nurses and cardiac doctors, and was allowed back home by bedtime with a list of tests and procedures to look forward to in the weeks ahead. At least now I know one thing - I have an enlarged heart.
I'm totally calm and at peace, grateful for such good care on Wednesday, and relieved at knowing the Lord holds my life in His care and will be by my side in the journey ahead. Your prayers are appreciated, because who doesn't want prayer? We are called to pray for one another, so if you have a prayer need right now leave it in the comments below and I will pray for you, and I'm sure every believer reading your request will pray as well.
Just so you know, I'm feeling very well today and have been back in the garden for an hour to keep doing those little things that all add up to big things in the end - atomic habits.
Bless you all so very much, and know that you are loved and treasured by an awesome God, and that your life has meaning, no matter what season you are in.
Ephesians 2:10 is a verse which has helped steer my course through many moments of doubt, and I pray you take it to heart as well because God created YOU for a purpose and if you still have breath, dear one, you have a purpose.
(If you'd like to stitch this pattern you will find it HERE)
Hope you didn't mind the long blog post today. From Monday I'll be doing a few shorter blog posts each week instead of one large post. Much easier to read and write I think.