How To Make The Most Of A Family Staycation

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Please welcome today's contributor. 

If there are charities nearby asking for volunteers, consider those that can involve your family. It might be a local litter pick, for example, or any other type of activity that is headed by a local conservation group. Or there could be charities looking for local fundraisers, so consider what your family could do to raise money. You could set up a lemonade stand or have a bake sale, as just two examples. By taking part in such activities, you will have more time to bond with your family. You will also teach your children the importance of giving back, and how they can do much to support the needs of the local community.

After months of lockdown restrictions, many people will be traveling across the country or abroad this summer, ready to embark on their first vacation in a long time. Chances are, you might be too! We have lots of ideas on our travel page if you're looking for somewhere to go, so take a look.

Of course, it might be that you're opting for a staycation this year instead. Some of us are still quite cautious when it comes to traveling, as we aren't quite out of the pandemic yet. By staying closer to home, you will be in a better position to keep your family safe. You will also have more time to explore what your local neighborhood has to offer, and you will be able to save money too.

If you are opting for a staycation, here are some ideas to help you make the most of your time.

#1: Make your garden staycation ready

If you have a garden at home, or any other kind of outdoor space, purchase what you need to make your staycation complete. You might want to purchase new seating, for example, as you
will be more inclined to sit outdoors in the sun if you have comfortable chairs to sit on. Now might be the time to buy a barbecue set as well, as you will be able to enjoy meals outside with your family. And then you could buy toys and games to amp up the fun factor for you and your children. Take a look at the various games available at, for example, and purchase something your family would enjoy playing.

#2: Play team games outdoors

Perhaps using the games sold at the store we linked you to, or by using the outdoor game ideas here, get together with your family and friends and have some competitive fun. Set up a scoreboard and have prizes available, and play those games that everybody can take part in. You could turn it into a social occasion too, with drinks and food available for people who attend. Of course, care will need to be taken as you should still adhere to COVID-safety rules. So, especially when inviting people from outside of your home, remember to set up sanitization stations, and play those games where social distancing can still be made possible.

#3: Get active with your family

If you do purchase outdoor games, you will already have the opportunity to get active with your family. But there is more you could do together, as the more you plan, the less opportunity your children will have to remain glued to their screens all summer. So, take a look at what is happening in your local community and take part when appropriate. There may be local sports tournaments happening, for example, and there could be other activities set up for families to take part in. Then think of other things you could do with your family. How about a bike ride or a hike somewhere scenic? Or a day geocaching if there is anywhere suitable near you? You could all go for a swim or go climbing together too, and there are sure to be other ideas that you and your family can come up with.

#4: Go to the movies

Movie theaters are slowly opening up so it might be that you could all visit a venue near you. There are loads of new family movies coming out, including Black Widow and Jungle Cruise, so book your tickets early to avoid disappointment! The more we can do to support our local theaters the better as many of them are in desperate need of customers to stay open. Safety precautions are now in place so there is now more incentive to enjoy a big-screen adventure with your family.

#5: Have a movie night at home

You don't need to venture far to go to the movies, of course, as you can have a movie night in your very own living room. As there are loads of movie subscription services now available, including Netflix, Amazon Prime, and HBO Max, it shouldn't be hard to find something to watch. You could also set up your own DIY movie theater outdoors if you have the space available, so check out the ideas in the linked article for advice on what you need to buy. Add popcorn and drinks and a member of your family to shush anybody who is talking, and your movie night experience will be made complete!

#6: Help out a local charity

If there are charities nearby asking for volunteers, consider those that can involve your family. It might be a local litter pick, for example, or any other type of activity that is headed by a local conservation group. Or there could be charities looking for local fundraisers, so consider what your family could do to raise money. You could set up a lemonade stand or have a bake sale, as just two examples. By taking part in such activities, you will have more time to bond with your family. You will also teach your children the importance of giving back, and how they can do much to support the needs of the local community.

#7: Have fun with craft activities

Are your children crafty? Your answer might be yes if you have ever spotted them sneaking an extra cookie out of the tin, but we are, of course, referring to crafts! If you have the supplies you need, there is much you could do with your children over the summer. Take a look at these quick and easy craft ideas for a few examples, and look elsewhere online if you need any more inspiration.


These are just a few ideas for your family staycation but it might be that you can think of a few of your own as well. Leave us a comment below if you have any suggestions and share your tips with our staycationing readers!

Thanks for reading, and enjoy your summer!