Kids Can Explore The Animal World Through Fun Activity Books!
My daughter is in 1st grade this year and they have learned a lot about animals. Their topics ranged from discussing how some animals get ready for hibernation to how they live in their habitats. In fact, each child in my daughter’s class had to choose a habitat (she chose the Arctic) to make a diorama of. They had to show what animals, plants, and other life that lived there. She enjoyed putting it together so much that I was excited to partner with Weldon Owen to dive into these topics with their fun and educational books even more!
Weldon Owen was “founded in 1984 and is a high-quality, nonfiction book publisher specializing in producing innovative, richly illustrated lifestyle books in the categories of food and drink, sports and fitness, popular science, craft and design, and popular culture for the global market. Weldon Owen International illustrates great ideas and breaks down complex skills so anyone can learn them, while being entertained and inspired along the way.”
My daughter’s eyes lit up when I gave her these three books! She didn’t know which one to look at first; it proved that I had a big #MomScore on my hands! Woot woot!
The Colorful Creatures book is so fun! It’s broken up by colors and in each section you can find many creatures that are red, orange, yellow, etc. within that section. There are wonderful pictures, activities, and interesting information on every page. This book is filled with fun times and even a giant pullout poster and 100 stickers! The stickers can be used in the book as part of their learning.
The Curious Creatures book is really interesting with activities, coloring, and all sorts of learning fun. This book is broken up in sections such as Patterns, Horns and Antlers, Tail Tasks, and more. There’s matching activities, learning how to complete patterns, coloring, and sticker play all while learning all about these very curious creatures!
Their Habitats and The Animals Who Live In Them book is broken up by different habitats and then discusses the animals who live there. Each section is dedicated as such and creates a fun and easy way to learn. There are also many activities, stickers, pull-out poster and more to keep your kids entertained and learning about these interesting habitats.
My little sweetie has certainly enjoyed her new books! She spends a lot of time going through them and doing all the activities. She loves to color, complete the pictures, do the mazes, and all the other fun activities. These books make learning fun, which is just the way it should be.
Which book do you think your kids would like the best?
Connect: Find out more about Weldon Owen by visiting their website. Then make sure you “like” them on Facebook and follow them on Instagram.
Buy It: You can order any of the books you see here on Amazon (aff): Colorful Creatures, Curious Creatures, and Habitats and The Animals Who Live In Them.