Kids Crafts for Special Days in June

June is right around the corner… which means lots of special crafting opportunities for kids AND time off from school to do them! Whether you’re looking for ideas for traditional holidays like Father’s Day or more whimsical celebrations like National Donut Day, we have all sorts of craft tutorials for kids of all ages!

Crafting in June

Follow any of the links below to find just what you’re looking for, or search through the 12,000+ fabulous craft tutorials we’ve collected here at Fun Family Crafts.


During June, we spend all month celebrating:

There are several special weeks as well, including:

Here are the special days that we love in June!

You might even be celebrating a special graduate, or hitting the road (or sky!) for vacation and in need of travel-friendly crafts.


Whatever you’re celebrating, be sure to check for fun, kid-friendly craft tutorials here at Fun Family Crafts. Happy June!

The post Kids Crafts for Special Days in June was featured on Fun Family Crafts.