New Life...

After finishing the Beachside Bungalow, I looked around at my work room and thought about how it had evolved over the last ten years. You see, in 2012, it was still very much a dining room.

It was in July of that year that, after an excruciating nine year absence from minis, I began a mini project again. It made sense to work on the dining room table, as we rarely ate in this room. I could leave my "in progress" work there for months without inconveniencing anyone. After deciding to tone down the yellow, this was the first blue paint I tried. It created a soothing atmosphere while I worked on my gas station kit.

My first storage system for minis in this space consisted of boxes on the floor
and filling the hutch and buffet to overflowing.

Over the years we eventually edited out the carpet in favor of very inexpensive laminate flooring. With the carpet, I always had to worry about keeping it nice, and regularly cleaned it with the Bissell steam cleaner. What a lot of work and worry! In 2016 when we replaced the carpet with the laminate, it freed me up to craft in the room with no concern about the flooring. 

At that time I also exchanged grandma's buffet with many drawered storage units. This really revolutionized my ability to organize, find things and put them away with ease. I painted the room too, for the third time, though it was not a charm for me. I really dislike the "new" blue, too. Someday, when I feel really ambitious, I'll try painting it again. But maybe not blue this time.

Upgraded storage system in 2016.

With the bungalow finished and ready to display, it was time for another upgrade to the work room. Since this mini obsession doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon, I needed lots more storage. Luckily, I have Russ. He is the sort of husband that is ready, willing and able to help me construct what I need as my needs grow. 

And when it comes to supporting my many mini dreams, he's the wind beneath my wings! 💗

On the room's left wall, we added another 97" shelf, along with two 40" shelves on the short, far wall. This allowed me to gather my houses from around the house and display them in one convenient "neighborhood". I am working on getting them all plugged into the surge protectors and will be able to turn the lights on with the press of a button. If I need to work on one, I can just pull it down to the work table.

Speaking of table, I pivoted the table the long way into the room. There is still plenty of space to move my wheeled office chair around, and my body won't cause so much shadow from the light fixture onto my work. I can also have three "stations" on the go and just move my chair around to them as I am waiting for glue and paint to dry.

The far right corner of the room got wrap around shelving, too. Now my kits have a place of their own. The Cricut Maker and the sewing machine share the lower shelf on the other side of the window. I'll just pull them down whenever I need to use them. See how the top shelf is empty? This will allow for future yeses! 

I have wheeled carts filled with categories of tools and supplies for various tasks. When I am working on a specific task for that specific dollhouse, I just pull it close. Then my table space is freed up to work on things. Rusty appreciates the open space under the table, too, because he can lie on his comfy bed at my feet while I work. He's a great helper!

When the time comes to sell our house and downsize in our golden years, we will replace the laminate floor with nice new carpet for the new owners. And I can craft worry free in the meantime. 

My goal was to get this room upgraded, deep cleaned and ready for the next project. The one I picked has been left unfinished for nine years!!! Upon first inspection, it needed a lot more "finishing" than I had anticipated! But with the New Life given to my work room, I should be able to accomplish almost anything!

This was all made possible because of Russ and his endless support of my ideas. A very heartfelt ~Thank You~ to my amazing husband, without whom, I could never achieve the things I dream. He is truly my greatest and longest lasting dream come true!

xo xo,
