Orchestrate an Extensive and Real time Digital Organization

The digital organization is a dynamic system which needs to continue evolving and adapting, explicitly seeks to orchestrate a creative environment in which people can grow and innovate; businesses focus on long-term and holistic perspective, become highly conscious about what’s happening in their environment, enable dynamic resources allocation, adapt to change promptly, grasp opportunities timely, and prevent risks effectively.

Innovation-oriented: Business environment is constantly changing. If you do not innovate, your competitors will and make your current successful product/service/business model obsolete. Innovation management is not about generating innovation/ideas, but rather the processes to take ideas to value. It’s a managed process and the mechanism through which you grow and evolve something to something better - higher value-add, or something new - mostly based on a combination or modification of previous attributes/approaches. In this process, certain ideas or opportunities will have more business appeal than others and given that resources are limited. So the innovation management process should enable focus on most attractive opportunities and involves new ways of bringing together ideas and resources to create something novel.

Innovation, either as an individual process or a collective process, helps us adapt, improve, grow, and integrate, think transparently, interdisciplinarily, and collaboratively. Innovation Management can provide optimized structures and frameworks to streamline processes and enable innovation. Identification of the novel is only the beginning, the heavy lifting starts as a firm aligns resources and executes seamlessly, and hopefully, the firm can manage innovation lifecycle and executes in a manner that provides sustained competitive advantage.

Module designed: Building an extensive and real-time digital organization is about developing the lego-like modular design architecture, craft scalable capabilities with quality and reusability, having internal processes being broken into modular service components that have a standard open interface, with the goal to achieve strategic flexibility. Loose coupling makes it possible to change the component without affecting the entire system, as long as the structure and interface are kept stable.

Building a real-time digital organization is all about mastering dynamic planning & competency building, leveraging updated information for reinventing business but not reinventing the wheel, shaping highly innovative talent and teams, and accelerating the speed of changes. Flatter structures help to speed up organizational response to changing markets by breaking down silos and enforcing cross-functional collaboration, driving scalable performance, and enabling potential maximization.

The digital organization keeps evolving, it has to go deeper to integrate all key business ingredients in orchestrating a real-time high mature business which has key capabilities to delight customers. Customer Experience (CX) value creation means the company management knows enough about their customers, and takes action to fill that type of need, be transparent to an extent where you don't lose profits. It is the process of making a company's products and services extraordinarily relevant to the wants, needs, or desires of customers physically, spiritually, or emotionally.

Goes beyond the commitment to customer-centricity at the top of the organization, it requires expertise in leading a customer-centric organization. Having a clear understanding of how customer-centric approaches enhance the business model and extend profitability. It requires consistently digging deeper and having metrics in place that keep a pulse on the inner workings of the business. By understanding customer goals, an organization could develop better interaction capabilities to enhance the customer experience. Engaging customers directly on an ongoing basis to see how their goals are changing is a good way to architect customer-centric organizations.

On-demand IT services/solutions: At the dawn of the digital era with an abundance of information, lightweight technologies, and emergent IT consumerization trends, many organizations have already reaped the benefit from the Software As A Service (SAAS) model which provides flexibility to improve IT cash flow and allows IT to make a value-driven investment in order to catalyze business growth and change.

The trend to the on-demand model is shaping the new mindset to run IT and business in a continuous improvement and delivery mode. IT must bring to the table innovative and intuitive apps and solutions that meet customers’ needs with high adoption rates. has been proven to bring visible benefits such as faster delivery and business competency. Highly creative and extensive companies have set up processes for drawing ideas out of business units, often using cloud-based, online platforms to encourage corporate-wide, crowd-sourced idea generation, and inspire open innovation.

GRC enhanced: GRC is and remains the purview of top organization management. Corporate GRC disciplines have a direct link to business and its processes. Not only from the financial perspective, but also from the involvement and signs being displayed about what guidance, values, and principles governing the company's commercial activities. GRC can be used to raise visibility and awareness for many things that are captured at the different levels of the organization, and bring them in front of leadership without the audit or regulatory compliance stamp on them.

GRC can be used to drive organizational change and business value the most, it should sustain the transformative change in business with the right order: People, Process, and Technology. If you're serious about a risk-driven implementation approach for the chosen enterprise-class GRC solution, then you'll need to deal with, first and foremost, the human element - harden the soft factors for enforcing GRC effectiveness.

The very characteristics of digital organization are about openness, responsiveness, innovativeness, fluidity, hybridity, high quality, and great design, etc, with a broad vision of transforming to the real-time, extensible enterprise. Digital transformation is not a stand-alone initiative, but a continuous meaningful journey for adapting to the digital new normal of the dynamic business world. The purpose is the salt you put on the teams for achieving common goals, self-renewing in thriving as high-performance businesses.

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