
Normally on Sundays I like to share how I’m doing on the list of goals I set for myself each New Year but this Sunday is a little different. 

It’s different because the HH and The Girl are off on a research trip to {they touched down in Spain last night} and now I find myself in the unique situation of being home alone for an ENTIRE WEEK! {Hot dog! Can you believe it!?}

A whole week to do whatever I want. In my own space. With my own things. It’s going to be AWESOME. 

I kept going back and forth on how I should spend this golden opportunity.

Should I use this time to do one big thing {like turn this ginormous 4×5 foot piece of linen into the rug I’ve been meaning to hook for over a year now}?

Should I buy some baby chicks and ducks and a coop and get the whole thing set up while he’s gone and be like… I don’t know what happened… someone just dropped them off, they just appeared one morning… It was the strangest thing.

Or, should I make a list of all the little things I need to get done and just go at it like a crazy person and GET IT ALL DONE. Which of course would probably be the most responsible/satisfying/smart thing to do. 

Here’s what I have on my list so far. I wonder if I could get it all done before they got back? 

Totally Clean Out Craft Room

  • List the odds and ends in my Etsy shop

Finish Cleaning Out Basement

  • Toss or donate everything we can’t use

Whip up some ornaments:

  • 100 Bees
  • 24 Whales
  • 24 Chickens


  • Bedroom door
  • Craft room door
  • Kitchen trim
  • Hallway x 2

Repot Seedlings

  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Herbs

Hook and Complete 3 Rugs

  • Daisy 
  • Crow
  • Flag

Clean Out The Refrigerator

Clean Out The Freezers

Order Items For Holiday Giveaways 

Fix 30 Recipe Posts

That’s all I’ve come up with so far. 

So, it begs the question… If you had an entire week to yourself {at home} to do whatever you wanted to do… What would YOU do? Forget about my ideas… I’m giving myself until noon today to figure it out. But what would YOU DO at home for an entire week by yourself?

Fact: I may steal one of your ideas. 🙂

Peace Out.



The post Pondering appeared first on One Hundred Dollars a Month.

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