Water Balloon Olympics
Host your own Water Balloon Olympics this summer and be the coolest mom on the block!
With summer in full effect, we have been looking for creative ways to stay cool and have fun. I mean seriously. I can only go to the pool so many times. Reed and I came up with Water Balloon Olympics! Little kids, big kids, and adults can participate in the fun. And it only costs a few bucks for the supplies!
Our contest includes three different games to get you started! However, this can be adapted or changed easily.
All you need are water balloons, plastic spoons, and two different sized hula hoops.
Event #1 is Water Balloon Toss Across. Two people stand one foot away from each other and toss the water balloon. After each person catches the balloon, that person takes a step back and throws it to the other person. This back and forth continues until the balloon pops. Whoever stays dry is the winner.
For larger groups, the team that makes it the furthest distance from each other without popping the balloon wins!
Event #2 is Spoon Races. We made smaller water balloons for this so they were easier to manage. But if you are up for a challenge, keep them normal size! Set a start line. Each person has a plastic spoon and water balloon. Every time you drop the balloon, you have to go back to the beginning and get a new one. First one to cross the finish line without popping the balloon is the winner!
Event #3 is Ring Toss. This is where the hula hoops come in. We placed the two hula hoops in the grass. The larger one was about 8 feet away. The smaller one was about 12 feet away. Each person gets 5 balloons to toss. The larger hoop is worth 25 points and the smaller hoop is worth 50 points. Person with the most points wins!
You can add to these games with your own versions too! This is a great concept for summer birthday parties or neighborhood cookouts!
And guess what? I also made free printables for your party!
The download pack includes the cute main signage, individual event signs, and place medals you can cut out! This download will print as 5 pages in total. Simply print, laminate and display for your next block party, splash party, or cookout!
Click here to download your free Water Balloon Olympics Printables!
What game would you add?! Share your ideas on our Facebook page!
The post Water Balloon Olympics appeared first on Create Craft Love.