Your February Horoscopes with Michele Knight-Waite – MAGIC!
Work it to get what you want
Cosmic tides take you in a new direction
Love is your destination
Everybody unleash your inner fierceness as the new Moon on the 1st also marks the Chinese New Year of the Tiger. Dance, wear red underwear (how very Aries!) and above all, set yourself a fresh goal under this new Moon. Greet it with determination and a promise to make it happen. Simply for yourself and your own evolution. Evolve in February – don’t revolve.
Once Mercury is stationary direct again on the 4th we enter into a cycle which leads us into March when all the planets are direct once more. It’s rare and also it is about making up for any perceived lost time since the start of the year. I say perceived as of course, retrogrades serve a purpose when it comes to refinement and course adjustment. A necessary process in order to successfully move forward again. You have the green light now, Aries. Self-start with your usual fiery purpose now!
Friendships will be in the spotlight and one in particular as we under the second week of the month. Past loves could also reappear just in time for Valentine’s Day as Mercury re-enters your 11th on this day. Do you think the love of friends is second best to the romantic kind? Chances are if you take a look back at your personal history you’ll see the friendships that have out-lasted the latter ones. So, if you have no boo to have that Hallmark moment with, maybe its time to show that friend just how much you love and appreciate them being in your life. Hey – it’s all love.
That being said, you now have your green light to pursue the romantic kind now Venus is direct once again. The same goes for your career goals. Communication, working that deal maker, ideas – your superpower with ka-ching, ka-chng results in the 8th to 11th window. Why? Ruler Mars trines Uranus in your money zone on the 8th. Ceres breaks new ground with what you say and your ideas as it enters your 3rd on the 9th and power moves could just pay off as Mercury and Pluto meet in your 10th on the 11th.
Sealing the deal with a handshake, signature or even a kiss depending on the kind you want to make is on offer mid month as Mars and Venus meet in your 10th on the day the full Snow Moon illuminates your fabulizing 5th. This is a day to be on show, to bring your best game as both houses rule your public persona and image. But in slightly different ways. Your 5th is where you shine, effortlessly attract and draw people’s gaze to you. Your 10th is the more serious side of your reputation and also rules your status. Your title, cred, respect. And how those in positions of influence see you.
So, go after what you want or be unafraid to ask for it. Also, in meetings or dating, ask the other party what they are seeking. Draw in their answers and see how they align to yours. Chances are you could find yourself on the same page. And impressing as you go.
Mysteries, miracles and magic
We are now entering big fat mutable weather. Soul changes are in the air. And chances are you are ready to take that deep dive and bring up pearls from this, Aries. The songwriter Marc Cohn wrote fabulous lyrics about this back in the 90’s – Baby, let’s dig down deep. You can look it up as this embodies your process now. Deep down, there is treasure to be brought to the surface. Mysteries, miracles and magic to be dug up and re-explored. This cycle is with us for a while. Until in fact Jupiter arrives in your sign in May.
The past, past lives, Tarot, psychic skills, healing, spirituality, religion, your beliefs, the multiverse, messages from ‘beyond’ or far far away, insights and creativity, good karma, travel (either actual or in your imagination), revelations, release and what goes around comes around will be in focus now as the Sun lands in your 12th. This is a great time to get a reading. And to practice non attachment and have faith and trust in the universe or a higher power.
Angels will visit you in human form. You may be offered help or options you had no idea were possible or existed. Or you may act an the angel yourself and help someone else. One word of warning however – you need to stay grounded in reality now. These are stranger tides. So, ensure your compassion and desire to uplift others is directed towards those who deserve it. And remember that sometimes the best way to help someone is to simply say no.
Eros fires off an arrow towards your highest potential when it meets Neptune on the 22nd. Head in a new direction now that breaks you free of the past. Once Mercury clears its retroshadow on the 24th all the planets are direct. A rare event which gives you the forward motion to head into March. Go where the tides take you now, Aries. There is freedom and something new and success setting in love, work or simply learning, to be explored.
In a nutshell: Evolve your soul. A new direction in love, career or possibly even both, takes you forward this month. Release and surrender. It just may be the universe has a bigger plan for you, Aries.
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (11th) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (11th)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (10th) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (10th to 12th)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (11th)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (3rd)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (11th)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (10th)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (5th)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (12th)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 12th)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 12th)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (11th)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (10th)
Reach for that bigger prize
What’s outside of that comfort zone?
It’s who not what this February!
Set that status and those ambitions higher this month which begins with a powerful new Moon triggering Uranus in your 1st on the 1st. It truly is asking you whether or not you have simply settled into something which feels comfortable – but is in fact less than you deserve or are capable of.
This can encompass each and every area of your life from relationships, to career or even your living arrangements. Are you still set on limiting yourself, Taurus? If so, it’s all in your mind this month so change it with clear-sweep thinking. Because if not now when all the planers are direct in the sky from the 4th – then when? As the planets move through your 9th they will trine Uranus in your 1st handing you fresh directions and opportunities to break yourself out of that comfort zone (or rut).
Also, they make fabulous angles to Jupiter and Neptune in your 11th and these two planets in turn make equally fabulizing sextiles to Uranus. What is it you want for your future? It truly is time to turn goals into reality. How do we do that exactly? Visualisation isn’t enough. Yes, lucky breaks and opportunities abound now. But you have to take whatever steps you can towards them. Set the process in motion.
Because we have unprecedented focus on your 11th house – especially after the Sun arrives in here on the 18th, people, groups, networks and who you know hold the keys to realisation and your future. I cannot emphasise this strongly enough now. It all revolves around who you know or meet. So, whatever you do, do not be a hermit. Craft your social persona. Make a concentrated effort to reach out and revive old contacts and do whatever you can depending on any restrictions around you, to make new ones.
There is no such thing as anything that’s not your scene. Everywhere and everything IS your scene to be tried and explored. So accept any and all invitations that come your way. And be open to new, startling and unexpected connections. Especially if they come from very different backgrounds, places or social settings to those in which you usually swim. Dive in and join the party!
Opportunities to leverage your career path to date and shore up that reputation occur on the 4th when the Sun meets Saturn in its ruling 10th. Be very aware of how you come across to others now. Your public and professional image is in focus especially when it comes to how people of influence perceive you. I’m talking the gate keepers here. Juno is also now in your 10th and Ceres leaves your sign on the 9th and heads into your money zone. Astrologers ignore Ceres at their peril. It gives us a big picture. For you this is now on material rewards and the ability to say yes to a new and better deal.
Ruler Venus is now direct once more putting love and money firmly back on the table for you. Chances are you feel the impulsion awakening within you for something bigger and better. Pushed forward by all the cosmic momentum, you confidently take that step towards it. Crush those desires and turn them into real experiences. Bold, brazen moves can be made around the 16th when Venus and Mars meet in your 9th. Yes, you have a full Moon in its ruling 4th on this day. There’s a temptation here, Taurus. And that is to stick with what you know. But your ruler is telling you to make a different choice. Especially when it comes to break out love. Or going towards doing whatever it is you love.
That being said, wheelin’ dealin’ decisions can be made around what supports or shores up that future for you. This is an excellent full Moon for property dealings or to say ‘Yes’ to something that hands you emotional grounding and security. This can be a job or career move just as it could be an emotional choice. Try to schedule important conversations around work or with loved ones to coincide with this.
Cupid gets connecting
Circulate and be as social as you can be. Get involved and join in. The 18th – 22nd promises friends with big benefits. No, not necessarily the love kind although the possibility cannot be ruled out as Eros and Neptune meet on the 22nd following a wonderful alignments between Jupiter and Uranus on the 18th. Someone could enter your life with just a desire to offer something with no agenda. Or you join with others to bring about a change or to share an interest or passion. But in doing so, you open up a doorway to personal wish fulfilment.
Setting yourself a new goal for the future – one that requires you to leave that comfort zone and step out into the place between what you know and what is unknown aligns you to your highest potential. And engages with the magic of the multiverse. Dare to try or aim for something different. Why opt for the familiar? Above all, don’t take on other people’s limitations or ideas around what you can or cannot do as we head into March. Refuse to be put into a pigeonhole on a personal level. And refuse to let your goals be put in there too. Everything is telling you to move forward now. Full steam ahead, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Step outside of that comfort zone, Taurus. And whatever you do, ditch ‘settling’ for less than you know you deserve. Opening up your mind to more allows it to enter. Clue: It’s found outside your usual haunts this month!
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (10th) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (10th)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (9th) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (9th to 11th)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (10th)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (2nd)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (10th)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (9th)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (4th)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (11th)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 11th)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 11th)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (10th)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (9th)
Change those priorities
Get a new deal on those desires
Head towards something bigger
Ruler Mercury heads direct in your change sector from the 4th and clears its retroshadow on the 24th. All planets are now direct in the sky – a rare and unusual window. Power player Ceres is also returning to your sign from the 9th. Plus you have an important new Moon in your 9th at the very start of the month.
Big goals are wrapped up in this new Moon’s sizzling potential. How to get there or realise them is part of Ceres returning to your sign. You are the new deal in your life, Gemini. It’s time for relaunches and reinvention. But also to reshuffle those priorities. To take a pledge that can’t be broken when it comes to assigning fresh importance to those dreams and desires.
Yes, we only have so many resources when it comes to our time, energy, intention and love. Ceres asks you to look closely at what really matters to you. And then look at what you spend your time and effort on. Can you redirect some of this from one area and instead send it where it truly adds value or supports what you want to achieve? Ceres back in your 1st speaks volumes about the change in your personal priorities for the rest of the year, Gemini.
Unexpected events and unlooked for opportunities and new directions mean you will be put into a position this month where you embrace the power of transformation and change. This is all down to the planets in your 8th making stellar aspects to those in your status and career zone as well as Uranus in your 12th. Be ready and also be open minded. Opportunities like angels often wear disguises. And what we need may look different to what we think we want. Just ask yourself: Does this allow me to leave restriction or limitation behind? Does it propel me higher? If you get a yes, then go for it and don’t second guess it. What looks like a reversal turns into your portal to paradise!
The deeper the change, the bigger the benefits
Mid month sees deep feelings combined with a desire to bring about those changes as your ruler meets Pluto in its ruling 8th on the 11th and then Venus and Mars meet in here on the 16th – the day of the full Moon in your 3rd which adds to all this intensity. One piece of news or a conversation you have with another could lead to you having access to more resources or income as all these planets are to come extent, linked to your money and also your self-worth. However, just understand you won’t be able to fake that feeling now. When it comes to love, you need that deeper, more resonant connection. And if your current boo cannot provide it, you may make the decision to leave to go in search of the one you can.
However, if you are genuinely loved up this V-Day, then look forward to the close contact communication and enhance connection that makes everything worthwhile. Open your heart to your lover and above all, get frank about what it is you want! The results can be utterly transporting.
Deep and profound realisations around work, your path, purpose or public image ask that you step up and stake a claim when it comes to what success means to you. The Sun arrives in your 10th on the 18th and as we head towards March you’ll be hit by insight after insight around whether the quest you are on is not only the right one for you, but is able to hand you the rewards you seek.
This isn’t just about money and recognition, Gemini. Although this does factor in to the equation. It’s about what you feel you are here to do, contribute and undertake. Does it add meaning? You are now in one of the most potential realising cycles of your life thanks to the presence of both Jupiter and Neptune in this house. You may embark on a long term learning journey which is all about what you are here to do. This can see you enter the first stages as in starting a course, apprenticeship or just on the job learning or upskilling. And can take you higher and further than you ever imagined.
Others may discover opportunities along new paths they did not know were open to them. You could even change course entirely this year with some of you becoming mature students if you missed out on higher education in your early years. Just take it that something more fulfilling for you is on offer now and you are being pointed in that direction like the needle on a compass. Eros’ meeting to Neptune in here on the 22nd tells you to follow that passion while the 23-24th not only sees your ruler clear its shadow, but you can make some inspired inroads into those career goals thanks to Mars and Venus angling to Neptune.
The end of the month marks a point where you take yourself and your ambitions seriously and will insist others do too. If you have felt you need to live up (or even down) to someone else’s ideas as to what you should be doing, Venus and Vesta join to help you make inroads into no-go areas. That glass ceiling? You could break through it or break out of a confining situation. Success in your future is self-defined. So write yourself a fresh chapter.
In a nutshell: A freedom awakening new Moon sends you off to explore a fresh direction this February. It’s a call to follow your own North Star, Gemini. That’s the one that leads directly to that dream.
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (9th) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (9th)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (8th) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (8th to 10th)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (9th)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (1st)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (9th)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (8th)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (3rd)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (10th)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 12tht)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 10th)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 10th)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (9th)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (8th)
Boot up that soul sat nav!
Work that superpower by the light of the Moon
Ask for change
Moon phases are when your superpowers are activated, Cancer. So, this month you have two key dates when these are at their peak. The 1st being one of them and the 16th the second. The former being the powerful new Moon in your 8th and the latter the full Moon in your 2nd. So, your superpowers reside in the areas of money, resources, assets, values and self-worth during February. And also your ability to dance with change.
The new Moon is asking for change around key terms and conditions. This could relate to your income but just as easily to those unspoken (or even argued or previous agreed to) T&C’s around your marriage, partnership or job spec. Especially as this new Moon appears against the backdrop of on-going planetary action in your 7th house of double acts of all descriptions. Being ab le to ask for what you want may be part of acting on soul-worth for you. How easy or hard do you find that to do?
If changes are long overdue you will be in a position to tackle them once and for all after the 4th when the Sun and Saturn meet and Mars in your 7th makes a solution seeking angle to Jupiter in its ruling 9th. You could experience that heady rush of what true empowerment feels like now as you reach a new level of attainment. You won’t lose sight of the fact that compromise is the key. But you will also know where and when this is needed and when also to draw a line as Ceres reappears in your 12th..With Mercury now direct again in your 4th and all the planets in forward motion, there’s a new deal on the table. But one which doesn’t repeat the mistakes of the past. Or see you giving away too much if someone has been taking advantage of you.
Love makes a return
Venus is now direct in its ruling 7th and meets Mars in here on the same day as the full Moon strikes your 2nd. This is self-worth affirming love and passion personified. Be the love you want to feel or attract into your life. If you are single and seeking, an abundance mindset attracts soul-worthy potential partners. Being your house of cash and possessions, remember this governs relationships which are ‘assets’ to you. Or end being being just that.
Up that self-worth and ability to receive. This full Moon combined with that full 8th house could bring a financial matter to a successful conclusion. This is about investments (emotional and financial), joint assets, loans, mortgages, your salary, payouts, maintenance, taxes, debts, inheritances, shares and even sexually transmitted debt if that partner has embroiled you in their financial decisions. Hopefully it is not the latter. The full Moon asks you ditch emotion around money. It asks you to ditch pegging your self-worth on how much you do and don’t have, but place your values elsewhere instead.
You can craft a better deal by channeling empowerment now. And move forward with confidence when it comes to your cash. Any long standing beliefs around money can be renegotiated within yourself (and in the outer world if needed) now Ceres is back in your 12th and outstanding issues resolved. Rewrite those money scripts.
Release and freedom beckon now the Sun enters your 9th from the 19th. This is going to be a rare and special transit for the Sun through here as it is doing this at the same time as both the rulers of Pisces – Jupiter and Saturn are in residence. Not only that, the planets in your 7th are making superb aspects to them. What’s in focus? Travel, foreign lands and faraway places, inspiration, solutions, opportunities and expansion. Something big this way comes as Mercury clears its retroshadow the day a beautiful alignment takes places between Venus and Neptune, right after Eros and Neptune meet on the 22nd.
This is about higher love potentials, spirituality, your beliefs and divine interventions. When heaven and earth align in other words. This is probably one of the best windows of ‘22 so far to meet someone new for singles. Your beliefs, philosophies, spirituality will also feature and if you are seeking that new love or any union, a shared view on these matters (or one in close alignment) could be what seals the deal for you.
For all of you, finding yourself in the right place at the right time, leaping into something last minute that’s on offer, or else that cosmic click on line, could open a door wide to something bigger for you. Be the spiritual explorer now as we head into March and have a higher vision you are aiming for. Changes are your inner voice will hand you the soul sat nav to head straight for it, Cancer.
In a nutshell: This month your superpower resides in the area of initiating positive change, Cancer. So engage directly with this process. Bear in mind without change, things cannot improve. Especially when it comes to love this Valentine’s month!
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (8th) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (8h)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (7th) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (7th to 9th)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (8th)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (12th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (8th)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (7th)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (2nd)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (9th)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 11th)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 9th)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 9th)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (8th)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (7th)
Who’s that opposite number?
Past, present and potential partners feature
Time for a duet, Leo!
With a new Moon (1st) and Juno (2nd) now in your 7th of partnerships, double acts feature in not just a large but also lasting way this February. You are being asked what it is you want from love or any kind of close connection, for the future. With Venus which rules this house now very much direct again and heading for its ruling 7th, you are in an unusually long period where the focus will be on you and that past, present or potential boo which will outlast the usual influence triggered by the new Moon in here and carry you on into March.
Above all, take those partnership matters seriously. Whether you are seeking someone or else realising you and that significant other have some work to do. Especially when your ruler and Saturn meet up in here on the 4th. If its working, this is the time to take your connection to the next level. Or begin a new one based on a rock solid understanding of what you need and want now. If not, it is time to face that too and to take action. You can’t pretend it’s not happening so take serious steps to do whatever is appropriate.
All the planets are direct this month after Mercury shifts forward in its ruling 6th from the 4th. Just be aware that it can still have the ability to hand you delays and snafus right up until it clears its retroshadow on the 24th. But it too returns to your 7th from the 14th, making this a great day to reaffirm your feelings for that boo.
Ceres is on the move this month and enters your 11th of friends and the future from the 9th. New circles can be explored and you may also find yourself more committed than ever before to pursuing that idea or dream. You also seek out the kind of company where you can share ideas and even a group goal or aim. If love is what you are seeking, joining in with like minded people, if only on a shared interest basis for now, may yield you surprising results. This is about the sharing of ideas and the power they can have. Get involved now in some way especially joining in anything to do with your neighbourhood or shared interests. It could take you further than you ever imagine across ‘23 and onwards.
Just breathe
Passion flows into your day job, studies, routine and desire for living and feeling well and better this month. There’s a message here with your 6th house and it is: Just breathe. So, breathing space rather than burn-out, exercise, fresh air, yoga, taking in, exhaling, a new job, routine or way of working that a breath of fresh, passionate air for you. Your 6th house rules atmospheres. Think about that as this includes that ‘emotional atmosphere’ too. That vibe we get off someone or even a place when we enter a room. And whether or not it uplifts and energises. Or drags us down.
So, as Venus and Mars meet in your 6th on the 16th, what are you feeling about what you do each day and what you surround yourself with? What you take it and those habits? Are you holding your breath? Breathing shallow? Out of breath all the time in order to get things done? Pay close attention to your breathing now as it tells you if changes are needed. In any area. Then take a deep one and begin to tackle them at the time of the full Moon in your sign – also on the 16th.
Loved up Leo’s could discover this is your actual V-Day this year rather than the one that has become all too commercial. Also, this could be a fabulous date night (first date or just time for two). Time to look however at those burning questions about your relationship if you have them. How does what you need around love measure up to reality? Is it time to forgive someone if you have been holding on to hurt or resentment? This full Moon shines its light into your house of opponents and enemies don’t forget. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you continue to let someone treat you badly. It represents a release – for you. Again, if something is not right in your relationship, now is your time to face this once and for all.
Get ready to empower yourself
Change can be a beautiful thing. Uplifting and spiritually releasing and renewing. The changes that will occur between now and Jupiter’s arrival in its ruling 9th in your chart in May, are preparation for release into something bigger for you. Time now to face any lingers fears or doubts and plug into a limitless well of soul empowerment as your ruler crosses into your 8th house on the 18th.
You have a once in many lifetimes line up in here with Jupiter, Neptune and Eros all present. The planets in your 6th are also making game changing alignments to these 8th house planets which in turn, make the same sextiles to Uranus in your 10th of career and status. Rewards, recognition, your income, mortgage, shared assets, your marital home, loans, taxes, rebates, payouts and assets will all be in focus. And a big change could occur around these now and the path you are on.
Career or job changes could feature for some as could reallocation of resources. Redistribution or re-negotiations feature. How confident you feel about setting limits, knowing where those deal makers or breakers are see you affirming your worth on some level whether this is business or personal. If you feel you are on the wrong path, now is your opportunity to again, take that deep breath, and strike out on a new and unexplored one.
Want a change but don’t know where to begin? Or do you know but hesitate making it because it triggers so many fears for you? As the month ends, set yourself some serious soul transformation time. Turn off that phone. Retreat into your sacred space. Light a candle and get comfortable. Ask for guidance as to your next steps if you don’t know them. Or the courage to take them if you do. Focus on your breath and go deep within. Feel your inner strength rise up from your base chakra and flood your entire being. Your next step or the means to take it will be handed to you. Now, rise up and on into March and empowered change, Leo!
In a nutshell: Dynamic duos and divine duets beckon you on into V-Day month, Leo. Love is back on the table and you’ve a full menu of relating experiences to choose from. Just breathe and allow togetherness to enter.
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (7th) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (7h)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (6th) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (6th to 8th)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (7th)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (11th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (7th)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (6th)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (1st)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (8th)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 10th)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 8th)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 8th)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (7th)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (6th)
Leap into your love future
Get those habits working for you
Destiny driven divine duets take you further in ‘22
Love, romance and all that good stuff is most definitely back on the menu for you this month, Virgo. Ruler Mercury will follow Venus and head direct in your 5th of attraction from the 4th. At this point, all the planets are direct in the sky. But being the retrograde pro that you are, you know you are not completely in the clear until after Mercury passes out of retroshadow on the 24th in its ruling 6th.
Take it you will make up for any lost time or opportunities placed on hold by both the Venus and Mercury retrogrades once the Sun lands in your 7th from the 18th. And also due to the stunning alignments between your 7th house planets and the ones remaining in your 5th later this month. Not only that, you have once in several lifetime partnership potentials occurring due to the upcoming meeting between Jupiter and Neptune in April. So, please don’t think you are missing out. The best is yet to come.
The month begins with a focus on all things Virgo-centric. Work or wellbeing that frees your soul. Be prepared to change up those habits and innovate. To try something new and to ditch that routine for something more uplifting and personally satisfying that’s better geared to your personal needs. What’s more you see your way clearly now the retro confusion ends, on how to achieve this. Don’t forget – planets in your 5th are about attraction. Combined with this new Moon this can be attracting that new job, promotion, work arrangements or simply making changes which get you noticed in all the right ways. Juno’s added presence in your 6th from the 2nd means these are for keeps, Virgo.
Ceres is also on the move this month. Putting you in the position to power broke a fresh deal for yourself when it comes to your career when it moves into your 10th on the 9th. The second week of the month is highlighted for work and career matters thanks to this and the meeting between the Sun and Saturn in your 6th. Time to bring it, Virgo. Don’t undersell your smarts and above all, if your energy has been lacking lately, do whatever it takes to support that body so look closely to your diet too. Saturn rules bones and teeth.
All this being said, if something isn’t working out how it should, you could be faced with sudden endings or propelled without notice in a new direction. If this happens, please keep a universal mindset and don’t take it personally. If someone says to you ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ – then yes, for once that is the truth! But the meeting between Venus and Mars in your 5th could just deliver surprises, passion or opportunity. Be ready to say yes to it if it appears on the 16th. And don’t hesitate. Just go with it, Virgo.
Prior to the Sun’s arrival in your 7th on the 18th, we have a powerful and truth exposing full Moon in your 12th on the 16th. After being very much ‘on show’ and ‘out there’ with those 5th house planets, you may now feel the opposite: you may withdraw now to go deep within. Something needs to be made sense of or questions in your mind need answering. And the only way you may feel you can make sense of this is to take some time out.
Rewrite the past – and the stars
You may find yourself re-exploring the past 12 months and looking at it in a new way. One person or choice may be your main focus now as you seek to understand either what’s behind their behaviour – or your own for that matter. Above all, don’t allow fears or emotion cloud your judgement under this full Moon. Look at the facts and if this does involve someone else – their behaviour not what they are saying. Actions will speak louder than words now.
You will come to understand yourself better as a result. And also emerge from this process with the knowledge of what needs to be done if action needs to be taken. Clarity replaces confusion. You know the difference between wants and needs. All of which is setting you up for what’s next, Virgo.
Love is the answer
Duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions will be your main area of experience not just for the coming month, but on into April as the Sun lands in your 7th on the 18th. Here’s the first lesson you need to integrate to make the most of this once-in-many-lifetimes partnership potential. This isn’t once upon a time. It’s not a Disney film. What you need to know in the deepest part of your heart going in is that YOU are enough. YOU are complete already. You do NOT need someone to complete you.
To get the love we seek, we have to know we are already that love. That’s the answer to the question. So, once you truly love and understand this, you are now love ready in a way you’ve never been before, Virgo. If there are any lingering doubts around this, please use the remaining time between now and when Jupiter and Neptune are destined to meet in April, to crush these once and for all.
Some of you may now find yourselves going deeper into what may have stopped you from understanding this truth or prevented you from recognising that real love deal when it was on offer in the past. Don’t be surprised if so if you dive into self-help books on relationships or even seek out a therapist, counsellor, psychic or astrologer to throw more light on the subject. Just see this as joining the relationship gym if you do in order to get love fit!
Ready or not, love is likely to arrive or become deeper and more resonant for you now. Also be aware that love takes many forms and your experience of it could be via a working partnership, a close friendship or even in non-human form as in a partnership with an animal soul. Just also be aware that if something is not working for you, while Jupiter in here brings solutions, it can’t fix something busted beyond repair. It can however along with Neptune, make consciously uncoupling easier and more compassionate if this is needed. This is all about freedom in love at the end of the day. And you realising your highest love potential.
Opportunities to join up, double up or buddy up take you on into March as the planets in your 5th vibe off Neptune. You could take aim at something or someone new on the 22nd when Eros and Neptune align. Just keep in mind that what we manifest in our outer world always begins within. So, focus on that beautifully complete you to bring about exactly the right relating opportunity to evolve it, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Whether you know it or not, you’re entering one of the best phases for partnerships that you have ever experienced, Virgo. If you’re waiting for that special someone to appear – time to get love ready.
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (6th) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (6th)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (5th) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (5th to 7th)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (6th)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (10th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (6th)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (5th)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (12th)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (7th)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 9th)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 7th)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 7th)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (6th)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (5th)
Make a fresh start around what (or who) you love
Create and captivate
Look to answering those needs close to home
Love, attraction, romance, children, pleasure and creative self-expression kick start the month thanks to the new Moon in your 5th on the 1st and Juno’s progress in here from the 2nd. Now that ruler Venus is direct once more, all the world loves a Libran lover!
There’s rebooted love vibes for settleds this month. While singles find themselves with the full force of that attraction spotlight shining on them. Time to radiate and receive. And look to your capacity to receive the good things of life too. Not just love and romance. But good times, gifts and opportunities to shine.
As this new Moon and the planets are focussed on your 5th, babies, children, those younger than you, lovers who have the potential to turn you into a parent or step-parent or your own inner child and its needs could also feature. It’s time to rediscover good times and what adds fun to your life. As in your passions, hobbies and creative outlets. This is a new Moon of conception (be warned if that’s not what you want right now!), and conception includes creative projects and ventures. Conceive something marvellous for yourself now and allow passion for it to carry you forward -no matter if you are single or settled.
Mercury lifts property barriers as it heads direct once more from the 4th. At which point all the planets are direct in the sky. Just remain mindful that delays can reversals can still occur right up until the point Mercury exits retroshadow in your 5th on the 24th. What is working in your favour when it comes to home, family or property dealings is ruler Venus and Mars in here. Prepare for positive news or changes around home, your living situation, family members or even your career around mid month when Venus and Mars meet on the 16th. Many of you may commit to move or else enhance your living arrangements in some way. This is also an excellent time to initiate any plans to make money out of your home or move to working from it permanently.
Look ahead
This month’s full Moon in your 11th awakens you to that dream, goal or path not taken. Look at your journey up until this point. And your faith in your own ability to bring your goals into being. Has this been eroded at any point? Is there a goal you have set aside but now realise you need to reclaim? Or else have you come to the conclusion that you have outgrown what you have been striving towards and need instead to set yourself a new goal based on how you have evolved in the meantime?
Friendships will come under scrutiny with this full Moon. You could find yourself reunited with old friends or get together where you fully appreciate and are at one with the company you’re keeping. Or else come to the conclusion that resonance is no longer there. As with any insights into your goals – adjust as needed.
Work that practical magic
The Sun joins Jupiter, Neptune and Eros in your 6th from the 18th. And the final week of February sees both Venus and Mars make inspired alignments to Neptune on the 23rd – 24th. How you view your work (paid or unpaid), study, health, fitness and overall wellbeing will be in focus between now and April. This is your chance for a grand redesign between now and Jupiter arriving in your 7th in May.
Focus on making changes around those habits and routine. In caring for your health trinity – mind, body and spirit. If you are seeking work or a different job, then expect an offer between now and the end of April. Others could take up a new exercise or eating regimen or even embark on a course of study. Pets if you have them may feature. But if you are contemplating getting a pet, please do understand a pet is for life.
Setting your sights on a new, fresh everyday goal you can integrate into your life will free up your time, energy and also propel you out of that dull routine or apathy if that is what has set in, Libra. This is your time to see how small changes bring about everyday miracles which ripple out into seemingly unconnected areas of your life. Take this work and run with it now. All the way to May.
In a nutshell: Embrace your full creative spectrum and radiate to attract back in kind, Libra. February tells you this is no time to be shy. Fresh opportunities appear when it comes to making practical changes work magically for you.
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (5th) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (5th)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (4th) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (4th to 6th)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (5th)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (9th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (5th)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (4th)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (11th)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (6th)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 8th)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 6th)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 6th)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (5th)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (4th)
Big up those love goals!
Find your perfect place
As bright as the stars – that’s you now, Scorpio!
What makes you feel at home, Scorpio? It is a place, people or simply a feeling which resides within you? Your sense of place, belonging and need for security will be triggered by the arrival of the new Moon in its ruling 4th at the start of the month.
It falls in close proximity to Uranus in your 7th house. So, partners and those you live with may also feature now. Especially once Juno arrives in your 4th from the 2nd. Decisions on how and where you live (and with who) can be made now. Especially after Mercury heads direct again in its ruling 3rd from the 4th.
Although this marks the point when all the planets are direct in the sky, just bear in mind that Mercury is in its ruling house and that it needs to clear its retroshadow in your 4th on the 24th, before you really can put the possibility of delays or reversals behind you. If you are involved in property dealings (and remember, Mercury rules contracts, leases and all important paperwork), then things may stall or go back and forth until the last week of the month.
Working in your favour however is the presence of both your rulers – Mars and Pluto also in your 3rd as well as Venus in here. Changes around not only how you live but also your work could add to your growing sense of security and putting down roots. Key dates for you are the 4th when the Sun meets Saturn in your 4th favouring long term decision making and setting that future foundation. As well as the superb alignment of Venus and Mars in your 3rd on the 16th (more on this in a moment) and the meeting between Mercury and ruler Pluto on the 11th.
Get talking – then walk that talk!
So let’s talk ideas, communication, news and the fact that attraction is an unstoppable force for you this month! Decisions you take and make will add another foundation stone to that growing sense of security. Each one builds on the previous one. Or should do so think in the long term now.
Along with this comes a renewed sense of optimism and playfulness. You shrug off the seriousness of the past new months. Dare we call this an early spring feeling? It may well feel like a renewal for you as the planets in your 3rd house make opportunity creating angles to those in your 5th. The Law of Attraction is now working in your favour all the way up until May. What’s more, those 5th house planets make beautiful angles in turn to Uranus in your 7th bringing in new partnership prospects or reinjecting existing ones with fresh excitement.
Awaken to necessary change to evolve your soul and bring about renewal. Resolve to set something new in motion for yourself ahead of the Sun’s arrival in your 5th on the 18th.
If something is right you’ll know it this February. And if it’s not you’ll commit to changing it up. This month’s full Moon also on the 16th – so the day Venus and Mars align, appears in your status and career sector. You will be on show for months ahead now when the Sun lands in its ruling 5th. But ahead of this, how you are perceived or even taken seriously, takes on fresh importance for you under this full Moon.
Remain aware at all times of your public image and how you are coming across to others. Especially people who are gatekeepers, VIP’s, bosses or those in positions of authority or influence. A helping hand or entrée could be extended to you under this Moon. And if it is take it you have earned it.
This can be an emotional full Moon which pulls you in two directions. You may feel the need to stay practical and make in roads into your long term goals. But you may also feel like you want to stay close to home, cocoon and withdraw. Under this full Moon ask yourself if you are receiving the rewards and recognition you feel you are due? And if not, what emotional effect this is having on you. This is a good full Moon under which to take note of how your chosen path makes you feel. And if you are in fact allowed to shine on it or if it hands you a real sense of achievement?
Journal this if need be. And if you come to the conclusion you need to change direction, then continue the journaling process but like a business plan for yourself as in writing down the steps need to take in order to achieve this. Are you living in someone’s shadow or unwittingly living out their unrealised ambitions for them for instance? Have you been shunted onto a path that is not yours due to someone else’s ideas around what you can and can’t do or achieve? Watch for revelations following your process at the end of the month when Venus meets Vesta on the 27th.
The Sun rules your 5th so it is at its most life affirming and joyful when in here. Romance, good times, luck, pleasure, children and the pursuit of happiness fires your soul and pushes you to stand out and make that daring, shining, unforgettable impression on everyone you meet. Remember what I said about the Law of Attraction? Radiate like the Sun and you set this universe in force in motion. Don’t be afraid to stand out as this is your time to shine.
Aiming at something higher or Cupid simply going crazy on your behalf in some kind of post-Valentine’s love blitz could happen on the 22nd when Eros and Neptune make you a target for love or simply lucky breaks and benefits. While the 23rd – 24th sees your other ruler Mars and Venus boost that ability to enchant or attract even further.
You won’t be in the mood to settle for second best as the month draws to a close. If this is what has been happening in the past, you’ll have no hesitation in heading towards something better or simply demanding it thanks to the presence of Ceres now in your 8th and the meeting of Venus and Vesta on the 27th. Big up those dreams and those expectations. They fuel that force of attraction. As powerful as the stars and shining as bright as you are now, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: Nothing can dim that radiance this month, Scorpio. You’re the Sorcerer Supreme when it comes to working that Law of Attraction. Romance, pleasure and children feature. Rise and shine this February!
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (4th) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (4th)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (3rd) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (3rd to 5th)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (4th)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (8th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (4th)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (3rd)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (10th)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (5th)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 7th)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 5th)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 5th)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (4th)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (3rd)
Knock and that door opens wide
What you want is right on your doorstep
What’s that big idea, Sag?
Ruler Jupiter is set to hand you the keys to a door – literal or figurative, in ‘22 and big up your lifestyle or living space as it transits your 4th of home, property, family, lifestyle and security. No, you have not turned into a homebody per se, Sag. But this is a classic Home on the Range transit. Living well, bigger and better with breathing space is what Jupiter wants for you. As is creating that place from where the adventures begin and return to.
Your friendly neighbourhood Sagittarian
Set those Sag senses tingling! Ideas and money matters – which are often linked to where we live and how secure we feel, continue to dominate this month. An idea generating and neighbourly new Moon appears in your 3rd on the 1st. Ideas crowd your mind and you’ll feel the need to act on them. Just weed out the best one as the universe may be giving you a brain dump right now! It’s important to focus and if you are not certain, then its the one that really refuses to be dismissed but continues to nag you until you act.
This can be anything from thinking it may be time to look for that new job or start that side hustle to looking into that move I’ve talked about. Juno in your 3rd promises you’ll stick to this. Others could receive an important piece of news which opens up new possibilities now. And again, it’s for keeps thanks to the meeting between the Sun and Saturn in here on the 4th. It’s time to act with serious intent and also to follow through so people know you mean what you say now.
Think in your usual global Sag way but act local. Or think local as your opportunities are to be found in your neighbourhood this month. Mercury rules this house in your chart and will return to it on the 14th. In the interim, it heads direct again in your 2nd from the 4th. Just keep at the back of your mind that you are no immune from reversals and delays until it has cleared its retroshadow on the 24th. However, at this point, all the planets are direct in the sky including now, Venus which rules this house in your chart.
Hopefully you are emerging into this month with a fresh sense of deservedness and with a newly minted attitude to your money, possessions and self-worth. You will have the opportunity to put all this to the test as well as your ability to receive now. As the planets move through your 2nd they align with Uranus in your work sector as well as ruler Jupiter and Neptune in your 4th. Yeah – bring it on home now, baby! Bank on opportunities to improve your long term security and self-esteem.
Step into a fresh sense of achievement, attraction and empowerment from the 9th. There’s a new day dawning when it comes to partnerships both professional and personal as Ceres enters your 7th. Combine this with the meeting between Venus and Mars in your 2nd on the 16th and a full Moon in your 9th this same day and you are set to enter a more expansive experience when it comes to your income, love and freedom. All aligned to your openness to accept something bigger and better to what you may have settled for in the past.
This month’s full Moon shines on anything that may still be holding you back. Perhaps your own thoughts or hesitation when it comes to the follow-through on those ideas. Maybe it’s an outer circumstance keeping you stuck? That feeling you are simply spinning your wheels or confined in some way? This full Moon shows you not just what holds you back – but how to release yourself from it. Your adventurous spirit reawakens if its been stifled. You are once again unafraid to take a chance. The way forward reveals itself at last. Go with this, Sag and ditch hesitation and over-thinking.
The focus on exactly where home is or what this means to you intensifies from the 18th when the Sun joins Jupiter, Neptune and Eros in your 4th. This can bring you a spiritual homecoming to the truth around what you need to support and sustain you. Just where in the world is that? It can be right where you are now if it gives you that sense of belonging. Or far far away on the other wide of the world. Jupiter is opening that door to big moves if they need to be made. Or just home improvements between now and May and then again between October – December.
Your sensitivity is at a peak now too. You will not only be attuned to the needs of others but your own will ask you give them house room. Don’t ignore this especially if your generous soul usually tends to put others first. That’s what all the repurposing around your sense of self-worth has set you up to do! You are not being needy – let’s face it, that simply isn’t your style in any case. But you crave that additional level of security and stability now so take whatever steps you need to in order to create that.
Eros and Neptune take aim at inspiration on the 22nd while the 23rd – 24th sees Venus and Mars stimulate Neptune for even more soul aligned solutions when it comes to how and where you live. The need to own your own path and the truth around the kind of lifestyle you need to grow and expand will be your housekeeping task on the 27th when Venus and Vesta meet. Are you being treated equally?
In terms of your pay, the responsibilities you are expected to assume or even the path you have chosen? If you have been made to play by someone else’s rules, assume a role that they chose for you or in their shadow, this will show you how to step free of that. Altering your space is what February is all about. March will have you truly living large, Sag.
In a nutshell: This month puts an end to that feeling that love and money are elusive – or that you need to make that extra effort to catch them, Sag. An idea propels you forward while opportunity comes knocking.
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (3rd) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (3rd)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (2nd) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (2nd to 4th)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (3rd)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (7th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (3rd)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (2nd)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (9th)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (4th)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 6th)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 4th)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 4th)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (3rd)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (2nd)
Continue that relaunch or redesign
Expect transformation
Open up to new ideas
Despite the Sun and other planets in your 2nd and 3rd houses, you remain in focus this February while Venus, Mars, Pluto and Vesta remain guests in your 1st. You also begin the month with retro Mercury in here which heads direct on the 4th and leaves your sign on the 14th.
Once Mercury is in forward motion again, all the planets will be direct in the sky. A rare window of opportunity for all of us. Just keep in the back of your mind that nothing may be completely settled until Mercury clears retroshadow in your 2nd on the 24th. However, February marks the point where you can put those personal plans in motion.
The month begins with a new Moon in your 2nd. Venus rules this house along with your 7th and is also now very much direct in your 1st. Time for self-care February and also to focus on issues around self-worth. We care for what we value. So, how does what you do for yourself say about this, Capricorn?
The intense retrogrades in your 1st – especially as they have involved the planets hitting Pluto more than once, have all been about transforming your attitude to yourself and how you expect to be treated. By yourself and by others for that matter. This new Moon marks the point where you put all this into practice. Especially as Juno moves into your 2nd the following day. This points to a lasting pledge on what you are or aren’t willing to accept from here on in. This will now be written in stone in fact as the Sun meets ruler Saturn on the 4th. Put a ring on it or around it. You’re invested in that value system now.
As the remaining planets in your sign move through it, they make opportunity creating ripples with Jupiter and Neptune in your 3rd and Uranus in your 5th. Surprise news, solutions, breakthroughs and even romance could follow. There’s a need to take action however. Like any transit, you can’t afford to just sit back and wait for what you want to magically appear. But Jupiter and Neptune combined with the Sun in your 3rd from the 18th all add up to a kind of cosmic Deliveroo if you just take that all important first step towards whatever it is you want to have, achieve or experience now.
Your day when your ability to attract and attain turns into your superpower, falls on the 16th when Venus and Mars meet. You know what it is you want (or should do). Now, focus on that. How others see you may undergo a primal shift or major reset too. Especially as this occurs just days after Mercury plus you back into self-empowerment and offers you a transformational relaunch when it meets Pluto on the 11th. You’re open to stating those desires and terms. If conversations need to be had – you won’t shy away from initiating them. And oh, that self-confidence spectrum is so bright it radiates from you like a visible aura that’s so sexy and nobody can miss.
The day of this conjunction coincides with the full Moon in your game-changing 8th. Above all, don’t give in to insecurities or fears. Especially around change. Do you feel guilty when you speak up for yourself? Have you been made to feel if you do you are ‘making a fuss’? Or that your feelings aren’t justified? Look to themes around this and also setting boundaries in your relationships if needed.
And don’t shy away from doing this if necessary. This energy will stay with you until the end of the month when Venus and Vesta meet in your 1st. And may revisit you then if you have shied away for doing what needs to be done under this full Moon. Just keep in mind that often the fear of taking that step is bigger than actually doing it.
Time to believe again
The Sun’s arrival in your 3rd transports you into the realm of fresh ideas, inspiration and fresh avenues which offers solutions. Time to gather your focus and concentrate on one particular path, idea or target. Whatever you do, please don’t scatter your energy now. Your siblings, cousins, neighbours and your immediate environment offers hitherto unlooked for opportunities. If you are travelling, even if you head back somewhere familiar, it’s going to seem new on some level.
Writing, speaking, your social media feed or web presence and the internet all contain incredible resources and act like your cosmic ordering catalogue that’s ready for you to cherry pick. Just click and get ready to connect and collect now. That new you you’ve been crafting now has so many diverse outlets for launching that message, brand, ambition or dream, Capricorn. Time to believe in the power of your imagination.
Get clicking and communicating any way you can. Especially if your search includes that lover as Eros and Neptune meet on the 22nd and Venus and Mars align to Neptune across the 23rd-24th. This is all about digital you as much as it is that off line persona. It’s you in the metaverse and you in person. Looking at how you come across and project yourself, your message, brand, packaging – all this is your best resource and your calling card now. Anyway you want to work it and every way you want to share it. Big it up, send it out there and wait for that response.
In a nutshell: Despite the Sun’s arrival in your 3rd highlighting your ideas, the stars are still very much focussed on you this month. Your image and personal goals continue to be refined. Go with this process, Capricorn.
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (2nd) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (2nd)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (1st) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (1st to 3rd)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (2nd)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (6th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (2nd)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (1st)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (8th)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (3rd)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 5th)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 3rd)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 3rd)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (2nd)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (1st)
New cycle, new you
You are enough
Create ka-ching in ‘22!
Hello, new! The month begins with the new Moon of fresh starts, relaunches and new directions in your sign on the 1st. No matter when your birthday actually falls, I always think of the new Moon in a sign as marking the ‘official’ start of your year ahead along with your solar return. (For more insight on your solar return chart you can book a session with one of our astrologers to go deeper into your year ahead).
Game on!
The new Moon makes a tight angle to ruler Uranus which is a powerplaya for you this month as the planets in your 12th and 2nd houses ignite a resolve within you to set a definitive path and purpose for the year ahead. Create a clearly defined path to your goals and what you want to achieve. This is your game plan and Juno’s arrival in your sign the day after tells you it’s time to commit.
Get very clear about the direction you want your life to flow in for the coming year. Create a vision board if necessary or map it out in your journal. Above all, look at how having this or achieving it will change you. How will you look and feel when you have done this? How will others perceive you in turn? Then, step into that new persona or begin to create them right NOW. Don’t wait until you have crushed that goal. Become that more satisfied and successful you in this present moment – at least within and tweak the outer you if needed to reflect who you are now intent upon becoming. This gives that commitment to achieve that desire that extra charge of success for you.
Finances are going to be your main influence and area which pays you dividends for most of ‘22 thanks to the presence of Jupiter in your 2nd for a large part of the year. This area governs your value system, self-worth and also all those delicious connections and relationships that fill you with gratitude that these people are in your life. So, for singles love could be your growth area while all of you may bank on appreciating those special people in your life!
Juno in your 1st along with the Sun’s meeting to Saturn on the 4th, puts you in the mindset of forever kinds of unions. Plus you have fresh deal Ceres in your 5th of romance and attraction from the 9th. Along with planets bumping into Pluto in your 12th and the meeting in here between Venus and Mars on the 16th, this sees you ready to let go of the past and move into that new dawn, new day era of a more satisfying love.
Take forward with you what you have learned during the intense Venus retrograde which began back in December. This along with Mercury retrograde in here may have seen you identify and let go of any unhealthy dynamics. If someone returned from your past during this cycle, hopefully you inspected the relationship for new resonance and checked that it measured up to your needs. Mercury heads forward again in your 12th on the 4th and returns to your sign on the 14th, – make V-Day a pledge to a new and enhanced cycle of love and self-love, Aquarius!
All the planets are now direct in the sky and Mercury clears the final cobwebs of retroshadow on the 24th. Making this one of the best months for intention setting. This includes those intentions around what you want love to deliver for you. Ahead of the Sun landing in your 2nd of all things self-worthy, we have a mirror mirror full Moon in your partnership sector on the 16th. Just who is holding this up for you, Aquarius and what is this telling you about how they or the world sees you?
Remember, this can be a past, present or potential partner. It can cut across all kinds of relationship dynamics. From that close contact work collaboration to that bestie and also include that frenemy, opponent or all-out nemesis. The important thing for you is to take on board what you are being shown. If there is something about someone you simply can’t stand – is this something you cannot tolerate about yourself? Others could however be basking in the spotlight of love and appreciation. And yes, this is a fabulous full Moon for that date or moondance!
Reflections show us where we need to shore up our self-esteem or else expose the fact it’s set to the correct level of self-worthy. Perfect timing for the Sun’s arrival in your 2nd from the 18th. You will now be in an unusually long period where you money, possessions, assets, income, talents, skills and people and items on that intangible but nonetheless valuable ‘rich list’ are your primary focus and investment.
The glass is half full
Prosperity is a mind set so please ensure you cultivate an abundant one. Jupiter in here wants you to have the experience of plenty on some level. To appreciate the material world in a more abundant form. Yes, this can see your income increase. Perhaps via you taking some truly inspired actions to make this happen (Jupiter is generous but bear in mind this is your house of what you make as opposed to lottery wins!).
It’s important for you to relate to what you have in a caring and responsible way rather than ‘easy come, easy go’. Setting yourself long term financial goals and sticking to them, should see you attain them during Jupiter’s stay in here. You may take aim at a fresh one between the 22nd – 24th when Eros and Neptune meet and Venus and Mars align to Neptune from your 12th. This is an excellent time to follow up on those inspired money making ideas or to apply for that better paying position.
Know what you want and where you want to get to this month. Above all, look at the resources you already have to get you there. Chances are you already have the tools you need to hand to create what you want – or to take that first step. Above all, show it all the love – and this includes the people who you know are there for you. Gratitude leads to growth. You’re simply growing love now.
In a nutshell: Get ready for a pro-active move in a new direction. Those personal dreams and goals are in focus. As is changing a new perceptions around how others see you. That glass? Not just half full but brimming over this February.
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (1st) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (1st)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (12th) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (12th to 2nd)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (1st)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (5th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (1st)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (12th)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (7th)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (2nd)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 4th)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 2nd)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (12thto 2nd)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (1st)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (12th)
Navigate the sea of dreams
Release what anchors you to a past which no longer serves you
Happy birthday, Pisces!
Swimming in deep emotional waters is second nature to you, Pisces. The soul tides in your 12th promise to wash you up on the shores of inspiration and revelations thanks to the new Moon in here on the 1st.
Is something still fit for soul purpose or not, Pisces? That is the question the universe wants you to have the answer to now. Take it that everything in your life will come under scrutiny as to its relevance and resonance. Hidden truths will reveal themselves and people will show their true colours. It’s a time for exposes – around others and around your own inner motivations and dreams. Your take out right up until the 18th, is the surety or knowing whether something is still right for you or not. And also knowing exactly what actions to take depending on the answers you receive.
Long term defining aspects occur thanks to Juno’s arrival in here on the 2nd and the meeting between the Sun and Saturn on the 4th. Don’t be afraid to release anything that no longer works for you. Jupiter and Neptune in your sign will simply fill that empty space with something better.
You’ve had an unusually long time to go back and forth over those goals, friendships and how you envision your future in the lead up to your new cycle. This began back in December when Venus went retrograde in your 11th and continued in January not just with the massive build up of planets in here, but also due to Mercury retrograde returning to this house. As it heads direct again on the 4th it will return to your 12th on the 14th but also signals a shift around a particular goal or friendship when it meets Pluto in here on the 11th.
You may already have an inkling around who or what this is. New, exciting and highly beneficial friendships can be forged all month long as the planets in your 11th form angles of attraction to Jupiter and Neptune in your sign. And these planets in turn align to Uranus in your 3rd. This can bring unexpected encounters and unlooked for support but which is exactly what you need right when you need it, Pisces! Just think of this as an early birthday gift.
Above all, do not be a hermit but do keep in mind the people you attract in may bring you the friendship kind of love as opposed to the romantic kind. You will have plenty of opportunities to attract the latter from next month onwards. Sharing ideas and ideals and joining causes or groups propels you into new circles. Your best day of socialising this month is the 16th when Venus and Mars meet promising alignments to like minded people and friends who offer all kinds of benefits – other than the romantic kind!
Ceres is on the move this month and into your 4th where you may forge a new and better deal around how you live, work or use your time. Transitioning to permanent home or hybrid working is favoured now. As is simply designing a more balanced lifestyle. You may find yourself compromising or negotiating with either those you live with or work with to bring this about. Or even compromise on your own ideas of where or how you want to live. Just know what are the deal makers and breakers.
What can you give up to get something better? Or what is simply a non-negotiable? This may surprise you. Can you give up the buzz of city life and all it offers you for the country for instance? Or is that simply too important to you to trade? Perhaps its wide open spaces which are priceless. Only you know but it’s important you get clear on this. Again, this can emerge from those depths you dive into as your real needs rise to meet you, Pisces.
Look to the full Moon in your 6th on the 16th to clarify these matters for you. This is a wonderfully grounding full Moon which links you to your true needs. And what is in your best interests – and what isn’t. Time to harness your organisational skills and really set those priorities. Look to what energises and uplifts – and what doesn’t. Revelations come bobbing to the surface now and when they do, use their truth and apply them accordingly. Prioritise wellbeing and self-care under this full Moon and look to your routine, habits, diet and exercise and how this is working for you – or not. And again, change accordingly.
Once upon a lifetime
You are starting a year like no other, Pisces with both your rulers in residence along with Eros as the Sun arrives in your sign. Prepare to fly higher than ever before and to explore possibilities you never dreamed existed as fresh pathways to realising your true potential reveal themselves like magic!
You are set for once in many lifetimes solutions, opportunities and freedom. And the way to make the most of this cycle is to really be yourself. Rock your image, style, message, look, appearance, brand. You are your own best calling card. Lasting impressions can be made on those you meet and encounter this year. And this includes those partnership opportunities, Pisces!
Cast your net further than ever before and above all, don’t limit those ideas or beliefs around what you can or cannot do, experience or attain. Be ready to dip your toe into new, unexplored waters because that’s where you are likely to find exactly who or what you are seeking.
This is the year where you are going to stand out, attract or find yourself in the spotlight in some way. It’s the year you have been waiting for, your moment to go for it and claim your rewards or those glittering prizes. People power may have a massive role to play with who you know or are connected to, acting as that support network or simply boosting you up that ladder to climb higher.
Take time out if you can to read about personal myths and the hero’s journey. Because you will live this out in some way this year. The works of Joseph Campbell or Dr. Jean Houston could act as your guidebooks and inspiration for you. You’ll come to realise on your journey that only one person can hold you back now – and that’s you. Give yourself permission to be all you were always destined to be, Pisces.
In a nutshell: The Sun’s arrival in your sign heralds the start of a cycle like no other you’ve experienced before, Pisces. Time to immerse yourself in a limitless sea of potential and possibilities. And let the tides take you in an entirely new direction this year!
Feb 1 2022 New Moon in Aquarius (12tt) (n.b. Falls in a 2 degree square with Uranus in Taurus)
Feb 2 2022 Juno enters Aquarius (12th)
Feb 4 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (11th) ALL PLANETS DIRECT
Feb 4 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces (11th to 1st)
Feb 4 2022 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (12th)
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (4th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)
Feb 14 2022 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius (12th)
Feb 16 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars in Capricorn (11th)
Feb 16 2022 Full Moon in Leo (6th)
Feb 18 2022 Sun enters Pisces (1st)
Feb 18 2022 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus (1std to 3rd)
Feb 22 2022 Eros Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)
Feb 23 2022 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 1st)
Feb 24 2022 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces (11thto 1st)
Feb 24 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Aquarius (12th)
Feb 25 2022 Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)
Feb 27 2022 Venus Conjunct Vesta in Capricorn (11th)
The post Your February Horoscopes with Michele Knight-Waite – MAGIC! appeared first on Michele Knight.