17 Things I Want To Do In 2023 – Week 21 of 52

Earn $1,493.04 {Last Year’s Grocery Expenses} Selling Totally Random Things Online
All boxed up and ready to list… Now I just need to make the time to get all the boxes of driftwood listed.
Sold so far:
- 1 Box of “Native Organically Harvested Maine Driftwood” for $89.95
- 1 Box of 12 Heart Shaped Rocks for 24.95
- 1 box of 6 Heart Shaped Rocks for $22.95
- 1 box of 2 Folgers Coffee Cans for $29.95
- Set of 3 Brim Coffee Cans for $39.95
- 1 Martinson Coffee Can for $19.95
*Money earned selling random stuff so far $227.70
* At the end of the year I will deduct all the shipping/supply/selling fees from the grand total.
Go On a Staycation/Craftcation With The Girl
Québec City is still at the top of our list. Some place in Old Town with breakfast in bed.
But first… She has a stack of DVD’s we need to watch first.
Send 52 Cards To 52 Different People. {18 of 52 mailed so far}
I STILL need to write a thank you note. Scratch that. I stopped typing and wrote the note. Yee-Haw! Done. That’s how you do it.
Make 12 Totally British Recipes In The AGA.
The rings are out! Today The Girl and I will be making English muffins. I’ll post the recipe on Tuesday if all goes well.
British recipes I’ve made in the AGA so far:
Turn The Craft Room Into a Proper Studio Space
Bees are being painted and rugs are being hooked in the studio right now. Although this is such a busy time of year {outside, in the garden} I try to spend my evening hours creating.
Changes I plan on making to the space:
Rip out the old gross carpetand replace it with pine floors - Fresh paint
A proper light fixture- New serger
New work table{I bought 3!} A sitting area with a spot to hook
Hook 100 Rugs {52 of 100 done so far}
I’ll be finishing up rug #53 today if all goes as planned.
I’ve decided my next update for new pieces will be on June 14th {Flag Day}. There will be 2 new patterns and a few designs I haven’t hooked before.
Create 15 New Rug Hooking Patterns 11 of 15 completed so far}
My latest rug hooking pattern is called Mable’s Kittens.
New patterns I’ve added to my Etsy shop in 2023:
- Fair Isle Sheep
- Olde Hares
- Antique Hearts and Flowers
- Fat Cat with Easter Eggs
- Fat Cat with Shamrocks
- Fat Cat with Hearts
- Horse and Hearts
- Valentine Kitties
- Little Chicken
- Hit and Miss Flower Basket
- Mable’s Kittens
Revisit An Old Friend.
I’m working on it! I’m nearly there. I’m just waiting for 1 more thing to arrive.
Grow 1,000 Pounds of Vegetables In The Religious Family Sized Garden
Today is the day the HH adds the rest of the garden soil. Tomorrow is the day he smooths everything out and we {The Girl and I} get the garden planted.
Zucchini, cucumbers, corn, beans and all manner of squash will be planted next weekend. Giddy up!
Note To Self: Measure garden space so I know exactly how big the sucker is.
Empty The Canning Cupboard / Fill The Canning Cupboard
We are making excellent progress on eating down the canned goods. Plus, The Girl is here and she brought chips… So I’m hoping to polish off a few more jars of salsa.
Note To Self: Make a batch of carrot cake bars to use up the canned carrots.
Make $500 Selling Plants, Flowers or Vegetables {I’ve made $48 so far.}
I made another $2 last week at The Duck Lady’s place selling a boquetof chives. I started some green beans and corn in flats and will bring those over in a few days.
I also need to transfer the chives I started in cells last fall to 3” pots and bring those over too. Those will go for $3 each.
So far I’ve sold:
{9} 6- packs of pea starts @$2 each {then I upped the price to $3} = $24.00
{4} Daffodil bouquets @$3 & $4 each = $14.00
{4} Chives @$2 each = $8.00
{1} Basil @$2 each = $2.00
Buy 12 Handmade Items {From 12 Different Artists} 7 down, 5 to go
I ordered a Fair Isle scarf from Mati Ventrillon for a future giveaway.
So far this year I have bought:
- {3} Linen Aprons from BedCult
- {2} Charcuterie boards from FarmHillWoodShop
- {3} Fair Isle Hats Rachel of Barkland Croft
- 2 Quilts from ZoëDawn Shop
- 1 Handmade braclet from a little girl’s lemonade/craft stand
- {2} Watercolor Palettes
- {1} Fair Isle scarf from Mati Ventrillon
Update Every Single Recipe On The Blog To A Printable Format
Recipes… What recipes?
26 Official Date Days With My Handsome Husband {11 down, 15 to go}
For date day this week the HH and I met up with Kiln Guy and The Chef for lunch at Bet’s Fish Fry. Which turned into a bit of an adventure because we also checked out an antique store and a new {to us} farm store {which I’ll tell you about soon}.
It was a good day!
- Date #1 Thomaston Cafe for lunch. It was lovely.
- Date #2 Rising Tide Co-Op
- Date #3 Oysterhead Pizza
- Date #4 Oysterhead Pizza
- Date #5 Schanz Family Maple
- Date #6 Camden, Maine for lunch and candy
- Date # 7 The Quiet Girl movie
- Date #8 Rockport Farmer’s Market
- Date #9 LL Bean & Solo Pane e Pasticceria
- Date #10 Jameson Point Lobster
- Date #11 Marshall Point Light, Hedegrow Market
- Date #12 Bet’s Fish Fry
Goals already accomplished 2023:
Go On A Solo Adventure. Done
A solo adventure to Fair Isle. I don’t think I could have picked a more unique, isolated and cozy spot to spend a few weeks. I’m already dreaming of going back.
DoneTake An Adult Education Class
The Girl and I took a 3 day British Baking Classics course at King Arthur Flour in Norwich, Vermont and had a good time. My favorite thing we made was the sticky toffee pudding.
Set Aside 200 Items For A Yard Sale DONE!
The yard sale was a great success! The Duck Lady and I were both able to get rid of a lot of items we didn’t want and as an added bonus, I only had 1 box of stuff to drop off at the thrift store. Yee-Haw!
How about YOU? How are you coming along with your goals for this year?
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