59 Times People Accidentally Noticed Surreal Things In Real Life, So They Shared It On This Online Group
Here we are, stuck between dreams and reality. Look around you, Pandas. On the one hand, you’re surrounded by everything that’s familiar, real, recognizable. But as you take a closer peek, you might notice just how odd, how surreal the world can be and it’s not always clear if we’re awake or if our imaginations are playing impish tricks on us.
What we have in store for you today is something special. We’re featuring the ‘Accidental Surrealism’ subreddit, an art and photography-loving online community that shares pics of things that, well, accidentally look like surreal art. Even though the premise is straightforward, the photos are anything but. They will challenge your perception of reality and, hopefully, will inspire you to look at your own surroundings in a different light.
Make sure to keep a strong grip on what’s real as you scroll down, Pandas. Don’t forget to upvote the photos that you enjoyed the most, go visit r/accidentalsurrealism if you enjoyed yourselves, and last but not least: if everything starts melting, keep an eye out for the ghost of Salvador Dalí.
Former art gallery director and art expert Shelby Bercume, from Florida, enlightened Bored Panda about surrealism and Dalí. You'll find out what she had to say if you scroll down, dear Pandas.
#1 Oil On The Ground

Image credits: CielaczekXXL
According to former art gallery director Shelby, every art movement focuses on something different. "The reason surrealism is so recognizable is that the subject matter reflects the inner workings of the subconscious," she told Bored Panda. "That’s why the images are considered dream-like because, in actuality, they are dreams and hallucinations."
Although surrealism is instantly recognizable for many, Shelby doesn't believe that we wouldn't be able to mix it up with some other art movements. "There are always overlaps," she said, alluding to the Dada movement which some confuse for surrealism. "But it definitely has a flavor."
#2 Tried To Take A Panoramic Picture Of The Eiffel Tower Today, It Went Surprisingly Well!

Image credits: enderkg
#3 The Sky Is The Limit

Image credits: exemplariasuntomni
The art expert also ruminated about the success of Dalí. "The popularity of Dalí, mostly due to his wife Gala’s business sense, is what makes surrealism so recognizable. It had significant exposure to people that otherwise wouldn’t have known what it is," she mused about part of the reasons why the artist became so widely known.
Shelby added: "Dalí's popularity was also due to his eccentric behavior and incredibly famous friends coupled with the time. Basically, all the ingredients were there for Dalí to take flight, and surrealism was thrust into the spotlight as part of a consequence."
#4 My Scarf Accidentally Matched My Hotel Carpet

Image credits: si_si_si
#5 Picture Of Building As Reflected In Broken Mirror On Pavement

Image credits: Lynndonia
#6 Hail In Crop Netting

Image credits: MightyBobTheMighty
Surrealism was a movement in visual art and literature that flourished in Europe between the First and Second World Wars. Largely influenced by the Dada movement and anti-art ideas that came before, surrealism was a reaction to the destruction brought about by ‘rationalism’ and the brutality of massive-scale warfare.
Encyclopaedia Britannica notes that poet and critic André Breton, the publisher of The Surrealist Manifesto, saw the movement as “reuniting conscious and unconscious realms of experience so completely that the world of dream and fantasy would be joined to the everyday rational world.” The end result would be “an absolute reality, a surreality.”
Surrealist art, photography, and literature can seem illogical or even unnerving as the creators delve deeper and deeper into the unconscious mind and how it entangles cold, hard reality. Surrealism is meant to surprise, shock the viewer, present them with an alternative way of looking at the world. In a way, you can’t have surrealism without stepping outside the box of your own comfort and realizing that rationalism is limited.
#7 Shadow

Image credits: Gandalftheseman
#8 Clouds In Harrodsburg, Kentucky. No Filter

Image credits: EdwardSandwichHands
#9 A Mosaic In Turkey Being Excavated That’s Been Rippled By Earthquakes

Image credits: MockingBird421
The ‘Accidental Surrealism’ online group is a niche subreddit, home to just over 19.7k members. Personally, I think that the subreddit deserves to have a lot more attention, considering just how creative the content it shares really is. The group has been active since January of 2016 and we’re hoping that they’ll stick around for at least another 5 years (and more!).
The subreddit has a single moderator busily working behind the curtain of the stage, helping keep everything in check.
#10 These Are Called Scud Clouds. This Was Recently Captured In South Carolina

Image credits: Airyx
#11 Itap Of Well Trimmed Trees And Bushes In Fog, Creating A Mondrian-Like Composition

Image credits: Hempthusiast
#12 5000 Litres Of Spilled Ink

Image credits: wildwelshwitch
In terms of content, r/accidentalsurrealism is very similar to r/accidentalart and r/AccidentalArtGallery. However, those of you Pandas who know your way around the internet might notice that there’s more than just a passing resemblance to the r/AccidentalRenaissance subreddit that Bored Panda has featured time and again. The idea—stumbling upon something art-related by pure happenstance—is the same; the art movement is different.
#13 Swimming Pool Untouched By Dirty Flood Water

Image credits: Glennmaster7
#14 Brick Wall Worn Down By The Sea

Image credits: Smilodon-Fatalis
#15 Snowy Beach In Hokkaido, Japan

Image credits: hardytom540
‘Accidental Surrealism’ has only two rules that members need to follow (well, alongside all the regulations requiring you to be civil that you agreed to the moment you signed up to Reddit). The first rule is fairly straightforward: the surrealism in your photo has to be accidental. It can’t be deliberate! If you stage things to farm karma and get awesome comments, you’re missing the point.
The second rule is slightly murkier, however. Your photos have to “fit the criteria for surrealism,” but the subreddit’s mod notes that “this is subjective.”
#16 The Persistence Of Garbage

Image credits: Smilodon-Fatalis
#17 This Sculpture Of Kids Swinging From A No Longer Existing Tree

Image credits: Vanzini-
#18 Childhood And Adulthood

Image credits: Letchworth
Earlier, Bored Panda spoke to art historian and creator of educational videos, Mary McGillivray. According to her, a lot of people have a perception about art and art history that stops them from delving into the topics headfirst.
“A lot of people think that art history is very serious and very important and this leads to them feeling overwhelmed—or even feeling like art history isn't for them. This isn't true!” Mary told me during a previous interview. “I've said it before and I'll say it again, art history is just old memes. Once we start to see the humor and the humanity in art, it becomes far less intimidating.”
#19 Clam Covered Mannequin Head That Washed Up On Shore

Image credits: reddit.com
#20 A Nj Rollercoaster Got Tossed Into The Ocean By Hurricane Sandy In 2012

Image credits: dr_franck
#21 Transit

Image credits: butters_cotch
Meanwhile, former gallery director and art expert Shelby told Bored Panda a bit earlier that art history can often be “intimidating and difficult to grasp” for those without a background in it because it’s a subject that far from every school teaches. If schools took a more proactive approach to art history, there might be many more experts in the field and far more online groups like r/accidentalsurrealism.
#22 I Thought That Was The Ocean

Image credits: probablyblocked
#23 Top Down, Bottom Up

Image credits: alien_eater289
#24 Sometimes I Keep Myself Company

Image credits: Diagonalizer
"I don’t necessarily think art history is an inaccessible entity, but I know that people tend to feel intimidated by things they aren’t experts in. Since art is often, if not always subjective, it feels even more intimidating than a subject with a 'right answer,' like math for example. I think often that leads to a disconnect between the desire to dive into the subject of art and by relation art history, and the execution of it,” art expert Shelby explained to Bored Panda.
#25 Reflections

Image credits: reddit.com
#26 The Way This Snow Has Slid Down The Slide

Image credits: PaulaLoomisArt
#27 A Train Car In Minnesota Carrying Corn Had A Leak

Image credits: Dorchevsky
In Shelby’s opinion, art shouldn’t be exclusionary: it should be accessible to everyone, no matter their background or education. “Art is something to be enjoyed and shouldn’t be reserved for an exclusive group," she said.
"Art is aesthetics and feelings. If you love something, voice why you love it... if you can’t find the words, that’s ok! Talking about art is really discussing how the art affects your emotional state and what thoughts it provokes," former art gallery director Shelby said.
#28 Ennui Yields To Art

Image credits: Diagonalizer
#29 Nagabeta Seabed Road - Japan

Image credits: RodrLM
#30 An Accidental Skyline

Image credits: diamonding
"And remember, it is ok to not love everything, believe it or not, certain artworks are meant to be disturbing or disliked. Just don’t be intimidated to speak up because that’s really all we’re doing when we talk about art. We’re voicing opinions."
#31 Woah

Image credits: vsoho
#32 Entrance Of The Underwater Observatory In Zug

Image credits: Crul_
#33 Google Street View

Image credits: shedrinkscoffee
#34 A Hole On The Hill

Image credits: Chen_Dali
#35 Hopefully I’m In The Right Place—the Way The Sunset Hit The Scaffolding Just Mesmerized Me

Image credits: AliveAndKickingAss
#36 Melting Street During A Heatwave In India

Image credits: TheInvisibleHand89
#37 Shed Overturned By A Tornado

Image credits: Smilodon-Fatalis
#38 Wherever You’d Like To Go

Image credits: joaovsa
#39 Itap Of These Two Carts, Half Submerged

Image credits: DritOgDraFaen
#40 A Melted Timer

Image credits: CielaczekXXL
#41 Silver Water

Image credits: alien_eater289
#42 Yellow Yukon At Work Today Felt Bad Peeling It

Image credits: Jaspers47
#43 These Floorboards At My Airbnb

Image credits: samplesizematters
#44 The Streets Of Hong Kong After Being Sprayed With A Blue Dye Water Cannon

Image credits: gene100001
#45 Ladders

Image credits: Habitual_Emigrant
#46 Road To Nowhere

Image credits: Hitchie_Rawtin
#47 What Do You Think Of This Piece?

Image credits: ribblle
#48 Tripping While Attempting A Panorama

Image credits: nicornisalreadytaken
#49 This Is Not A Duck

Image credits: Big_Mike97
#50 Coudscape/Snowscape

Image credits: SanctusLetum
#51 Birds Eye View Of A Ship Being Cleaned

Image credits: HarveyHaddock
#52 Pickup Sticks

Image credits: MockingBird421
#53 Top Of A Shipping Container

Image credits: adityahol
#54 Escher's Ladder

Image credits: Diagonalizer
#55 The Chick Doth Protest

Image credits: Diagonalizer
#56 Signs In The Desert

Image credits: Zerfallsgesetz
#57 Castle In The Sky

Image credits: Diagonalizer
#58 Time Is Fleeting...

Image credits: reddit.com
#59 Abandoned Phone Booths

Image credits: avec_serif