Bank Holiday Friday the VE edition

VE remembrance day was sunny, warm and bright. Not a cloud in the sky. There was the sound of enjoyment and happiness in the air and the houses looked pretty all done up to the nines. I dug out my Union Jack scarf to adorn my window. There wasn't an official garden tea party for the street but plenty around held celebrations. I mostly thought about my grandparents efforts. They were the lucky ones making it through but I wonder now of the friends they lost. 

I made a very British tea of sausage mash and beans. Although as Mr 23 had requested jacket potatoes, the HG had his mash James Martin style. Where one does not boil one's spuds, but one bakes them instead. Then, whilst swearing profoundly, one scoops out the fluffy larva hot potato into a bowl, add lots of butter and beat with a wooden spoon until creamy. James Martin would probably use more butter than I did but The HG declared the mash delicious!

The iris are showing off now!

I cast on to start a lovely little plain knit in the sunshine. I really like the way this wool is knitting up. It's a silvery grey colour in real life

Using the little National Trust book of scones, I whipped up a half batch - as I am now running very short on self raising flour. The photos do not do them justice - they really were the lightest scones I ever ever made and we enjoyed them with posh strawberry jam and whipped double cream. I did one jam cream and one cream jam to avoid any arguments! I do prefer my cream on top! I watched the Queen - I love her and then the fascinating programme on Captain Tom. The world really does owe him and all those who served:  everything.

I thank them all and I will remember them.

Lots of love from
Rachel *Truly Grateful* Radiostar xxx

Right am tired.