Book Fetish: Volume 405
Have you started this year's Read Harder challenge? Once again, Read Harder 2020 has 24 tasks designed to help you break out of your reading bubble and expand your worldview through books. With new genres, new authors, and new points of view, the challenge will (hopefully) help you discover amazing books you wouldn’t have otherwise picked up. Read historical fiction that's not about WWII, a retelling of a classic or fairy tale, horror from indie presses, and more in this year's challenge. Go here to get the full challenge task list, and to check out the prizing for those who complete the challenge.

Welcome to Book Fetish: Volume 405, your weekly round up of bookish clothing, accessories, reading tools, and more from around the web!
Straight Outta the Library Sticker: For all you library dwellers and lovers! We’ll get back to our libraries someday!
Narnia Enamel Pin: I love that you can catch a glimpse of the lamp post through the doors of this little wardrobe!
Bicycling Hedgehog Embroidery Pattern: Isn’t this just the sweetest little pattern? I like the imagine he’s heading to the library!
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Book Lover Buttons or Magnets: You can choose to receive these designs as pins or magnets—either way they’re super cute!
Pride & Prejudice Scarf: This is an elegant accessory that celebrates Jane Austen’s classic!