Help Us Choose Our Mascot for Taco Fest!

Help Us Choose Our Mascot for Taco Fest!

After our Chinese Tree Shrew mascot Chew Lala proved quite a draw at Spicy Fest -- I mean just take a look below at how adorable he is -- and you’ll see why we are now seeking a mascot for our upcoming Taco Fest .... and we need your help!

Yes, we want your opinion on what our next mascot should be, and your vote will help us make the decision.

Let’s first take a look at our different options!


Now, this one has a bit of an interesting back story, a type of salamander native to Mexico. Legend has it that the axolotl (pronounced ak-sul-lot-ul) is the Aztec god of fire and lightning, Xolotl, who disguised himself as a salamander to avoid being sacrificed.

Legends aside, the axolotl is a pretty interesting critter with the ability to grow back limbs and stay young as it never outgrows its juvenile stage. Hey, I’m sure some of us can relate to that!


We’ve got a few different cactus mascot designs to choose from, given that cacti are synonymous with Mexico, right? Well actually that’s a bit of a mistaken cliché as the most common cactus – the saguaro cactus (you know the one with the two “arm type” branches) – is actually more associated with the American Southwest – in fact it’s Arizona’s state flower.

However, whether you think this matters or not is up to you, I personally think that cactus with the striped scarf would make an adorable mascot.  


One of the staples of Mexican cuisine, there are innumerable different types of beans native to Mexico. From the shape of this one I’d say it’s probably a kidney bean or a brown bean or can just be left open to your interpretation. With that sombrero, taco in hand and cheeky moustache he certainly looks down for a good time!


I think this looks like a mouse – I’m getting cute Speedy Gonzales vibes – however, someone else thought it looked like a Chihuahua with giant ears. Either way, it’s pretty darn adorable and could certainly get a potential vote from me. 

To choose your favorite from the above mascot designs, simply click here to vote. 


Siberian Weasel, aka Hutong Weasel

Moving away from Mexican-related mascots we have Beijing’s own Siberian Weasel, aka Hutong Weasel. A species of weasel that is commonly found in Beijing, perhaps you’ve had the fortune (or misfortune, depending on how you feel about them), of spotting one in the capital before. 

For this mascot we wanted to add a little Beijing flair to the Taco Fest. Now, we went a little crazy on the design for this one so there are eight different characters to choose from and you can pick your favorite here. 

Remember there are two polls to vote in -- and we need your opinion TODAY as the votes close tomorrow at noon. Each poll will only take a minute of your time, so help us out!

READ: Save the Date! Our First Ever Taco Fest Coming to Beijing May 20-21

Images: The Beijingers, Canva
