How do British subjects like their new king?

I did not write the following post. Instead, it is by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley and originally appeared at American Thinker. As you can see, it has lots of pictures. However, to avoid overloading the server, AT purges pictures after six weeks. Because this is a photo essay, I volunteered a place at Bookworm Room to preserve the post and pictures for anyone still interested in seeing them after the six weeks expires:

Here is an essay in pictures taken in the tent city that sprang up along the Mall that leads to Buckingham Palace the day before the coronation of King Charles III.  Some of the fans of constitutional monarchy had been there for days.  These pictures show people of all ages and from all walks of life.  Movingly, they show a nation at ease with itself and with its king, and with its sense of humor intact after the recent years of turmoil.

No British event would be complete without a tea party:

More tea, vicar?

The king himself drove up the Mall in a cavalcade of beige town cars.  Seeing the crowd either side of the Mall, the king met his fans on one side while the queen worked the other side.  Three lusty English lads and their relatives sang “God Save the King,” robustly but out of tune.  His Majesty loved it.

I did not get near His Majesty, but someone had thoughtfully brought a cardboard cutout.  The cardboard cutout is on my left:

Many people brought their own crowns and displayed them proudly:

The costumes of the king’s fans were striking.  There was red, white, and blue everywhere.  One of the best hats on show was worthy of Ladies’ Day at the Royal Ascot race meeting:

All ages were well represented.  This young boy was handing out leaflets and cards showing the Crown Royal surmounted by the motto “Jesus Christ is the only Potentate, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords” (I Timothy VI:15).

Representatives of the local Baptist chapel were giving out million-pound notes with the king’s image on them and a pious message on the back.

The Armed Forces also had their supporters:

Well, it was a long wait:

Many were draped in the Union Flag, perhaps the best of all national flags, which combines the Cross of St George, the Saltire of Scotland, and the crimson of Northern Ireland.

No surprise that the United States of America chose red, white, and blue for its own flag.  The Union Flag can be ingeniously tailored to make crowns, tunics, and breeks:

Or the Union Flag can be worn on a Mad Hatter’s top hat:

And here is a hat inspired by the Statue of Liberty, but with a Union Flag theme:

An ingenious innovation, much in evidence, was the Union Flag sunglass lens.  The flag is pierced with tiny holes that allow perfect vision but keep out the worst of the sunlight.  A further advantage, for those with short sight, is that the pinholes sharpen the focus and restore perfect sight without the need for a glass lens:

And some more Union Flag sunglasses:

Cowboy hats can also be adapted to display the Union Flag.  Note also the splendid Union Flag trews:

Those with transatlantic connections wore both the Union Flag and the Stars and Stripes:

Village idiot hats were also popular:

This group took a risk both with the English climate and with the norms of fashion by wearing Union Flag pajamas.

This lad had persuaded his girlfriend to sew him a smart Union Flag jacket, one of the best made outfits on display:

For a casual but nonetheless stylish look, a neck-scarf and throw in patriotic colors:

No coronation crowd would be complete without a dog tricked out in a Union Flag coat:

And here, a Union Flag–themed village idiot hat, throw, and knitted knee-breeches:

Some rain fell for a few minutes.  People were ready for it:

As Shakespeare wrote, “And the rain it raineth every day”:

Union Flag football scarves were also popular:

For that regal look, an ermine-trimmed crimson cape, with rakish crown and Gandalf scepter:

Union Flag bow ties worn as headgear:

…and more village idiot hats, with smocks to match:

The crown and the clown: teenagers symbolizing all classes and none:

And more crowns, with smiles to match:

A vision of the parousia: the distributor of million-pound notes:

Even the tent city was meticulously decorated:

Crown them with many crowns:

The king enjoying a picnic:

I’m a king, me:

From far and wide they came:

Good on yer, mate!

When the balloon goes up:

‘Twas bliss to be alive…

If you thought the whole thing was bananas, you’d be right:


This says it all:

The author’s robes:

Christopher, Third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, is a British peer and a well known expert on climate change.  He is the author of some two dozen learned papers on climate sensitivity and mitigation economics.