Resilience Is A Muscle
As are kindness, compassion, caring, patience, flexibility, grace under pressure. They’re all emotional muscles that get stronger with practice and use. We can’t yet know what the next few weeks and months will look like, but we have an opportunity now to develop and strengthen these muscles (both as individuals and societies) that will help shape our future.
This has always been true, but at this moment we can see it with greater clarity, like an image that’s had the contrast bumped up. Every day, we have it within us to be the change we want to see in the world.
Earrings (similar)| Lipstick | Sweater | Scarf (similar)
(Lip color is “Mandarin.” with Brian + MW lip liner in “Melon.”)
Turn on your JavaScript to view content Just wondering…
Would anyone be interested in a weekly Facebook live with yours truly? I could maybe do some scarf ties or accessorizing ideas, or ? (No tours of our house yet, though…it’s still mostly a mess )
Interesting reads…
Li Edelkoort is a trend prognosticator who has the ear of some of Fashion’s top players. This article from January about the future of fashion seems even more relevant now:
Are you a Star Trek fan? You might enjoy Tom & Lorenzo’s analysis of the costuming choices on the new Picard series:
We’re big fans of British TV series. Here’s a fun list of all of the series available for streaming in the US:
Insight and inspiration can come from unexpected places, for example the Steak-Umms twitter account….
And Happy Passover to those who are celebrating! Here’s my recipe for Passover Apple Kugel.